How to read a file using Python Pandas

I’m trying to read a IBM SPSS file format into Knime. From what I’ve found, it should be possible using python and the pandas library.

I have python 3.9 installed but and I use the Python Source (legacy) with the script

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_spss('/Users/jan/Downloads/spss-test.sav')

output_table = df

However, even before running the node, I get the error

The external Python process crashed for unknown reasons while KNIME set up the Python environment. See log for details.

The installation of python3 seems to be fine:

I checked the log file in .metadata/knime/knime.log but there is nothing logged when the error is occurs.

I also tried to use the Python non-legacy extension but did not find a way to read a file into a table.

what am I missing?


@JanC maybe take a look at this example

Pandas should be part of the python integration so no need for external python versions.

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I tried the bundled python version but it fails when reading the SPSS file because pyreadstat is not found:

import as knio
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_spss('/Users/jan/Downloads/spss-test.sav')

knio.output_tables[0] = knio.Table.from_pandas(df)
output_table = df


  File "<string>", line 5, in <module>
  File "/Users/jan/Downloads/KNIME", line 54, in read_spss
    pyreadstat = import_optional_dependency("pyreadstat")
  File "/Users/jan/Downloads/KNIME", line 145, in import_optional_dependency
    raise ImportError(msg)

When I try the my own python installation (with pandas and pyreadstat), I get the error

 Execution failed: Could not connect to the Python process.

I’m able to run the same script outside of Knime so my python installation is correct

   Participants      Location  Gender  ...                   Fate_of_IS                            Suggestions_solve                     Suggestion_prevent
0           1.0  Belay Zeleke    Male  ...  Contitues to exist as it is  Consistency application of rules/directives                  Leadership commitment
1           2.0  Belay Zeleke    Male  ...  Contitues to exist as it is                               Regularization                  Leadership commitment
2           3.0  Belay Zeleke    Male  ...  Contitues to exist as it is    Compensation after subsequent demolishing  sound land administration/ management
3           4.0  Belay Zeleke    Male  ...            Disappear shortly                               Regularization                  Leadership commitment
4           5.0  Belay Zeleke  Female  ...  Contitues to exist as it is                               Regularization                  Leadership commitment

[5 rows x 37 columns]

I found the issue!

There were some other python dependecies missing so pip install py4j pyarrow solved that.

I need to use the custom python install because I suppose to all dependencies for the SPSS loading are present in the bundled python.

Thanks for your help!

On thing that I realized is that the python node has by default an input table so it’s not suitable for reading a file using python but rather transforming existing data using python.

Screenshot 2025-01-26 at 08.26.46

In order to read the data in that script, one needs to remove the input table from the node by clicking on the arrow and delete icon

Screenshot 2025-01-26 at 08.27.50

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