Hi there
I am not sure whether my post is tagged correctly. Please correct me.
Firstly, I am new to analytics with non-SQL sources. Please bear with me if I ask silly questions.
I am working on TidyTuesday task 2024-01-23, I want to solve with a KNIME workflow. To visualise the British educational data, I would like to plot them on a map (bubbles, probably). Therefore, I connected to ONS’s SPARQL interface returning JSON (see also ONS Geography Linked Data) with the SPARQL endpoint node. I understood that there is coordinate data, as the example of Cheadle Hulme BUASD suggests. The original data of the TidyTuesday task contains the British entity code, like E35000932.
Once having the coordinates, I hope to be able to feed the data into a Chloropleth Map node or a OSM Map View node or maybe a Spatial heat map.
I consulted several websites, e.g. ONS help, but could not figure out how to extract the coordinate data of there.
Out of curiosity. Did I understand correctly that one can access any data source from an arbitrary endpoint provided that actual source is unprotected (firewall, passwords etc.) and one has the URI to that source?
I would appreciate some nudges to the correct direction. E.g. I have not been able to find even a SPARQL forum or IRC….
Kind regards