how to schedule workflow on KNIME Analytics Platform

Hey there, I am trying to schedule a very simple workflow.
My .bat seems like this
@echo off

-consoleLog -noexit -nosplash -application org.knime.product.KNIME_BATCH_APPLICATION -workflowDir=“C:.…\AutomateJob1.knwf” -reset

but this onley opens the Knime Project without running. ( It doesnt know about -consoleLog too)
Can someone help me plz :smiley:

@Mohammad_1 welcome to the knime forum. I wrote an article about batch processing and KNIME.


Thats the problem I have :frowning: :sneezing_face:

any time I run the batch file I recive this or some other java errors but in Knime ini I guess Knime request java allways from server and not local. How can I change that? Actually We have to run a multipy workflows like 100 workflows automaticly every day at a certain time and this for nearly for ever, but with this methods it will not work. Even if we upgrate to the Business plan, it will not work so that we do it automaticly on every devices we has. Is that a business policy or is there a way out to light?


I use a simple .bat. Beforehand I created two folders in “my documents” the first “knime_workflow” and the second “knime_automation”, I put the workflows in the first and the .bat in the second.

C:\KNIME\knime.exe --launcher.suppressErrors -nosplash -nosave -reset -application org.knime.product.KNIME_BATCH_APPLICATION -workflowFile=C:\Users\control_tower\Documents\KNIME_Automation\BDD_Customers.knwf

Then I use the windows task scheduler which points to the .bat files.

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