Hello everyone,
I need some help understanding how to use the “CALLEE” nodes.
I recently started the L3-DA Productionizing Data Apps course, and I found the topic on “CALLEE Inputs” and “CALLEE Outputs” very interesting. From what I understand, these allow me to call one workflow from within another.
(I still find it a bit confusing.)
However, my main question is how I can apply this to my scenario.
I’d like to explain my situation and get some advice on how I could automate it.
My idea is quite simple.
Here’s my scenario:
Step 1:
I create a workflow called “Workflow 1”. This workflow generates multiple Excel files as output, saving them in a folder named “Output_Excel_Workflow_1”.
In other words, this folder will contain several Excel files generated by the workflow.
(I usually create the output folder inside the “data” folder, using a relative path.)
Step 2:
Then, I create another separate workflow called “Workflow 2_Report_PDF”.
The purpose of this workflow is to read all the Excel files created by Workflow 1.
After processing all the files, the output will be a PDF report that summarizes and groups the data from the Excel files.
*(Before anyone asks: “Why not generate the report directly within Workflow 1?” The answer is that I specifically need to create the final Excel files first, then read then.
Current (Manual) Process:
- First, the user opens Workflow 1, runs the entire process, and, at the end, 10 Excel files are created in the “Output_Excel_Workflow_1” folder.
- Then, the user manually opens Workflow 2, resets it, and clicks “Execute” to read the folder mapped in Workflow 1.
I want to automate Workflow 2 so that the user does not have to start it manually.
Once the last file is created in Workflow 1, meaning it has fully completed execution, Workflow 2 should start automatically.
I’m not sure if this is possible or if it only works with KNIME Hub.
(I could also connect Workflow 2 directly to the end of Workflow 1, after the last Loop End, combining them into a single workflow. But I’m curious to know if it’s possible to do this using two separate workflows.)
End of explanation.