How to use Generic Web Service Client node

Hello everyone,

I want to know how to use Generic Web Service Client node, because when I input wsdl input parameter, and then running node occur error below.

"WARN  Generic Web Service Client 0:17       Failed on row "Row0": Index 4 out of bounds for length 4
ERROR Generic Web Service Client 0:17       Execute failed: Webservice invocation failed on all rows, check log for details"

Input has 4 parameter



json format data.(the node can parsing output format, but execute failed)

It seems input table didn’t match, but what is the correct table format for match this output format?
(my input table has one row and 6 column)

I would like to know how to use this node without getting the following error.
please help…thanks!

Willy Wang

Hi @hwwangf,

welcome to the KNIME forum! I hope we’ll be able to help you with this.
First, I want you to check the constant value mapping setting in your input, the fourth value looks empty on the screenshot, can you test what happens if you add something to it, it might be required by the service you are calling.



Hi @gab1one,

Thanks for reply.

1.Forth input is null value.

2.I want make sure this node input first, because I had try another web service api and face the same issue(invocation failed), I don’t know whether my input is correct. Do you have any example test for input webservice parameter? That is quite strange, in other gui doesn’t occur error message, but KNIME will.

WARN  Generic Web Service Client 19:17      Failed on row "Row0": Error reading XMLStreamReader.
ERROR Generic Web Service Client 19:17      Execute failed: Webservice invocation failed on all rows, check log for details

Hi @hwwangf,

what happens when you provide a string as the fourth argument?


Thanks for reply, i use request node for get webservice data.

Thanks again!


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