how to use knime to read in email outlook using client id, client secret and tenant id?

Hi guys, I want to use KNIME to connect to an email account by providing client id, client secret and tenant id. Are there any nodes in KNIME can achieve these functions?

Hello @ThomasChen,

I do not believe there is an out of the box node that can handle this, but you can use either the REST API nodes if the service you are using provides an API you can use or you can try and use a Python Script node to connect.

What interface is that from?

Aside from that, you can use a python library such as msal or similar:


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Thank you for your reply. That interface is from Alteryx. I know that I can use python script to do it, but the problem is that Iā€™m not good at python.

Hi @ThomasChen ,

at the moment there is no node to connect to Outlook with those configurations, but developers are aware of the problem (internal reference AP-19581). I cannot tell when they are going to get to it, but you are not the only one asking for it, so chances are they will look into this in the future.
Unfortunately, I cannot point you to a workaround. Maybe, you might be able to get the OAuth access token via REST nodes and use this to login (Did not test this).

Hope this clarifies a bit,

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