Hey @s.roughley,
hey @morebento,
after some 6hrs of work (including teaching myself XPath), I achieved a solution. I build a workflow reading a “workflow.knime” file and extracting the nodes and connections. I attached the workflow and some screen shots below. I would be more than happy if some people share their ideas on that with me.
Aimed for achievements:
- Read any given “workflow.knime” file
- Extract nodes and connections
- Write a DOCX stub file
** One page per node
** Node ID and Node type as header
** Connections (Destination / Source)
** Name of target or source node
** placeholder for descriptive text (to be added by workflow owner)
Please note some caveats:
- Since I’m not that good in XML processing at all, I applied some changes on the “workflow.knime” file such as
** Replacing the first config-tag by an empty workflow-tag
** Renaming the file to “workflow.knime.xml” (so the file opens automatically in my web browser) - I tried to dive into the report facility of KNIME but failed. Hence, workflow below writes the results in to a MS ACCESS DB where I defined a report. I’d be more than thankful if someone could turn this into a genuine KNIME report.
Select the “workflow.knime” file
Define the target ACCESS DB - I’d be more than thankful if someone could turn this into a genuine KNIME report
Result from sorter node. The sorter nodes functions is only to provide human-readable feedback
Layout of ACCESS target table
KNIME workfloe
Workflow Documentation.knwf (57.8 KB)