I am getting this error when using the feature annotation node in Knimet ‘Joiner 0:829:0:659; possible problem in configuration found. The ‘Duplicate Column Handling’ is configured to filter duplicates, but the duplicate columns are not equal since the bottom table has more elements than the top table. Accurate MassSearch 0;829;0:726: errors loading flow v’
I have rechecked my workflow multiple times, opened up the joiner configuration but nothing is helping
Can you upload your workflow and some sample data? It will be hard to diagnose without seeing what’s going on. Dummy data is fine if your actual data is sensitive.
Many thanks for your reply. I have tried that but I am getting the following error message: ‘there are invalid joining columns’.
The top and bottom exclude filters are empty
I have attached a screen shot below:
@am221 this very much sounds like the columns you are trying to match would not be compatible (string, number …). You might want to check that on the tabe “Joiner settings”.
I see, you’re probably using an older version of KNIME. Your Joiner probably looks like this:
While since KNIME v4.2 it looks like this:
There’s nothing wrong with that per se, the new Joiner produces the same results. It has more settings though and, I think, way more speed.
I recommend upgrading to a newer version, but if you can’t do that, you’ll have to have a look at the data types of your joining columns yourself and ensure that they’re the same type.