I am not able to download AF Utility Nodes

Hello @parita,

Have you had any progress @parita? To see what KNIME version are you running you can click Help --> About KNIME Analytics Platform from within your KNIME.

Seems to me you are on 4.2 and that’s the reason Drag&Drop from KNIME Hub is not working. Another issue could be that your update sites are not properly configured. So I suggest to do one of following in case you haven’t fixed it yet:

  • update your KNIME to newest version (download installer from here and read about update here). Then Drag&Drop should work
  • if you won’t/can’t update make sure to have proper update sites enabled (you can check the same if you go for KNIME update in case something got mixed up in this process) and then go File --> Install KNIME Extensions... --> search and install above mentioned extension

These are update site for 4.4:

If you are running 4.2 you need to have 4.2 instead of 4.4 if not mistaken.
