I am a newbie. Yesterday i want to import a zip file with the workflow to my windwos PC.
I have carried out the following steps
in the desktop I have the folder ‘KNIME data’ with the zip file
in KNIME, version 5.3.2, under menu, I selected ‘switch workspace’
pop up appears with the path ‘C:\Users\Rose\Desktop\Knime Data’
after launch, KNIME opens without content
In desperation, I entered ‘C:\Users\Rose\Desktop’ and then KNIME took all the files from my desktop including the workflow from the zip file. The worklow appears.
My question is, how can I select only the zip file without Knime copying all my personal files into the new workspace?
So you don’t want to switch you workspace to the workflow you want to import. A workspace is like a data area or folder where all your workflows get stored that you create, import, or work on. (It’s like a centralized place where KAP can look for all your currently existing workflows)
If you just want to import a workflow, you would want to unzip the zip file that contains your workflow, then you can select the workflow you want to import. Though this has to be in .knar or .knwf format.
If you zipped up the actual data (ie. like you found the folder of a workflow in KAP’s working directory then zipped it) , then you can probably just unzip it and copy paste the folder into wherever you working directory is. Though if your moving workflows around, it would be best to right click on the workflow from the workflow view (the 3d cube on the left) and export it.