identifying keyword matches against data set --- multiple columns

Hey - I have a unique use case that I am trying to port from Alteryx to KNIME.

I have a list of 700 keywords that I need to see if two columns in my data set contain any of those words. The result would be a Keywords matched column with the words that match to any portion of the two fields (separate by :wink: . For now, I have a Rule Engine that can find the first match but not if there are multiple matches. This is mostly OK but not the ideal solution.

Here is a sample line from the rule engine (there are 700 more lines hard-coded) :


Ideally i want to see if there are 2, 3 4 keywords matches, etc. Is there a way with a loop logic and a table with the keywords, to create a concatenated field that has all matches – not just the first one?

thanks for any help!


that definitely works. It’s a bit tricky though to create the rules in the right format, but here is a prototype:

WF Overview:

WF Download:
applyRulesInLoop.knwf (97.4 KB)