Hi, I have a table output like the one above. I am trying to create JPG files from the third column while naming the images with the first column. This is my first time doing image processing in KNIME.
I tried to use the Image Writer (Table) since I have multiple images, but it asks for “ImageValue”. What does that mean? I then tried the Image Writer, it works out okay, but I’m not able to pick the first column as the filename column without the directory box being disabled.
@aworker Hi, this is the truncated version of my workflow. I exported with errors. KNIME_Image.knwf (155.2 KB)
@mlauber71 Hello, thanks for uploading the output image of your String Manipulation Node. After seeing that, and relooking at my Image Writer Node, I realized I had to append the absolute path. And I also had to add a unique character such as the row index for filenames that are similar to distinguish them from one another. I am now able to create all 300+ images from my table.
I’m still curious though, why I can’t use the Image Writer Table as it’s asking me for the Column Values. Maybe it only works with images like yours which are charts containing numerical figures?
I believe the problem comes from the fact that the images are in an internal KNIME format called ImgPlus which is not compatible with the -Image Writer- node you were trying.
Please try this other one -Image Writer- from the “KNIME Image Processing” plugin which seems to be compatible:
Once the images are of type PNG, you could add @mlauber71’s solution to deal from there with images that are not of type ImgPlus and save them with proper names.