I need to import a component, but i don’t now what node is necessary.
Your question is not so straight forward. Can you be a bit more clear about what you are planning to do or what problem you want to solve? And see e.g. the KNIME Components Guide .
gr. Hans
I need to import this group “Cabeçalho EFD” in other workflow.
I save the group “Cabeçalho EFD”, but i cant’s use.
Did you check the paragraph about sharing components ?
If you share the component somewhere (your workspace) you can drag and drop in it in your new workflow.
gr. Hans
Hi @matheusnelles,
As Hanss commented, if you see it from the hub, just drag-n-drop to your new workflow.
If you have a workflow and need to use the same component/meta into other workflow, just copy + past.
Can it help you?
Thanks, Denis