Important bug for Windows Users when starting KNIME

I quote the title of an another post (Important bug for Mac Users when starting KNIME) because the problem seems to be the same for Windows (Windows 10 and Knime 5.3.2) : when starting Knime, it open an empty workspace and I need to swicth workspace to the correct one.
No Windows update, no Knime update since yesterday (when Knime works correctly).



It seems to me that KNIME developers are trying to update the platform and modified the option to choose the different workplaces at the beginning when someone opens the program.

I observed that if you have the workspace in a different place than the default, KNIME will create a workplace automatically with all the default workflows and with this the configuration for conda and python is also reset. That is why I think that will also affect windows users because is more a new feature than a failure. Just, it is bad for people having the workspace in a different place than the default place.

I am unsure why they changed this but, I was pretty happy with the previous functionality. In any case, I did not observe any deletion of information.



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Thanks for this explanation. Indeed my workspace is not in the default place. And there is a reason for this : the default workspace is far from the root and produce long paths which produce error for some backup systems.
It could be difficult to adapt to this new configuration.


Maybe continue discussion here:

@VAGR_ISK @JPollet and there seems to be a solution: update your Palladian extensions to the latest version