Improvement of generated SQL query


I am coming from the SQL world, so maybe my thoughts are a bit specific, maybe even useless, but I like to have a look at the SQL KNIME generates, and it is quite cumbersome. There you are. A very simple flow, a group by and a joiner, results in the following (from exercise 2 of L2-DS).

SELECT "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."id" AS "id","tempTable_3090550887201630965"."name" AS "name","tempTable_3090550887201630965"."host_id" AS "host_id","tempTable_3090550887201630965"."host_name" AS "host_name","tempTable_3090550887201630965"."neighbourhood_group" AS "neighbourhood_group","tempTable_3090550887201630965"."neighbourhood" AS "neighbourhood","tempTable_3090550887201630965"."latitude" AS "latitude","tempTable_3090550887201630965"."longitude" AS "longitude","tempTable_3090550887201630965"."room_type" AS "room_type","tempTable_3090550887201630965"."price" AS "price","tempTable_3090550887201630965"."minimum_nights" AS "minimum_nights","tempTable_3090550887201630965"."number_of_reviews" AS "number_of_reviews","tempTable_3090550887201630965"."last_review" AS "last_review","tempTable_3090550887201630965"."reviews_per_month" AS "reviews_per_month","tempTable_3090550887201630965"."calculated_host_listings_count" AS "calculated_host_listings_count","tempTable_3090550887201630965"."availability_365" AS "availability_365","tempTable_7544618374004094193"."AVG(price)" AS "AVG(price)"  FROM (SELECT * FROM "AB_NYC_2019"
) "tempTable_3090550887201630965" JOIN (SELECT "neighbourhood_group", AVG("table_1795039804"."price") AS "AVG(price)" FROM (SELECT * FROM "AB_NYC_2019"
) AS "table_1795039804" GROUP BY "neighbourhood_group"
) "tempTable_7544618374004094193" ON "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."neighbourhood_group"="tempTable_7544618374004094193"."neighbourhood_group"

I can understand that it is spaghetti, as the formatting of code is a point of personal style, even though this is no style at all. Usually, one would employ one’s favourite formatter.

select "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."id"                             as "id", 
       "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."name"                           as "name", 
       "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."host_id"                        as "host_id", 
       "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."host_name"                      as "host_name", 
       "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."neighbourhood_group"            as "neighbourhood_group", 
       "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."neighbourhood"                  as "neighbourhood", 
       "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."latitude"                       as "latitude", 
       "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."longitude"                      as "longitude", 
       "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."room_type"                      as "room_type", 
       "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."price"                          as "price", 
       "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."minimum_nights"                 as "minimum_nights", 
       "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."number_of_reviews"              as "number_of_reviews", 
       "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."last_review"                    as "last_review", 
       "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."reviews_per_month"              as "reviews_per_month", 
       "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."calculated_host_listings_count" as 
       "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."availability_365"               as "availability_365", 
       "tempTable_7544618374004094193"."AVG(price)"                     as "AVG(price)" 
    from(   select 
                from "AB_NYC_2019") "tempTable_3090550887201630965"
    join(   select 
                    avg("table_1795039804"."price") as "AVG(price)" 
                from(   select 
                            from "AB_NYC_2019") as "table_1795039804" 
                group by "neighbourhood_group") "tempTable_7544618374004094193" 
        on  "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."neighbourhood_group" = "tempTable_7544618374004094193"."neighbourhood_group"

I just think that your query might be quite a bit suboptimal. Derived queries “table_1795039804” and “tempTable_3090550887201630965” are identical. In this case, it does not matter, probably, but if you generate identical queries that have heavy lifting inside (aggregations, filtering where no index is being used, …) I am not sure every database optimiser can recognise them and eliminate double work - and redundancy is harder to read for me at least. In my world, those identical queries are not uncommon, thinking of dimension tables being joined to fact tables to, e.g., translate well modelled identifiers with their literal meaning.
I also detected inconsistent use of “as” while aliasing queries - take a look at afore mentioned derived queries. I prefer to have it concise and have hardly ever come across aliasing queries with “as” whereas aliasing attribute names always with it. I am not sure whether it infringed SQL standard not to use “as” in the latter case.

Secondly, I quite understand that the with-construct is not used, suspecting that not every database supports it, and I have been working with people that could not read queries with the with-construct well. I totally do not understand why, but there we are, and after all, I heard about databases sometimes creating a suboptimal execution plan when too many with-constructs were involved. I have a hard time to believe that, though, but I reckon using derived queries can well be the way to go.

    select "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."id"                             as "id", 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."name"                           as "name", 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."host_id"                        as "host_id", 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."host_name"                      as "host_name", 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."neighbourhood_group"            as "neighbourhood_group", 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."neighbourhood"                  as "neighbourhood", 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."latitude"                       as "latitude", 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."longitude"                      as "longitude", 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."room_type"                      as "room_type", 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."price"                          as "price", 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."minimum_nights"                 as "minimum_nights", 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."number_of_reviews"              as "number_of_reviews", 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."last_review"                    as "last_review", 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."reviews_per_month"              as "reviews_per_month", 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."calculated_host_listings_count" as 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."availability_365"               as "availability_365", 
           "tempTable_7544618374004094193"."AVG(price)"                     as "AVG(price)" 
      from "tempTable_3090550887201630965" 
inner join "tempTable_7544618374004094193" -- I am just fond of explicity
        on "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."neighbourhood_group" = "tempTable_7544618374004094193"."neighbourhood_group"

Last and the initial point of complaint, if I may say so, is that while I believe that aliases might have constraints applied to their name length, this kind of generation makes it very difficult to make out which part of the query is derived from which node of the flow. I really would welcome if the node label was generated as comment to it.

with "tempTable_3090550887201630965" /* Node 48 */ as (select * 
                                                         from "AB_NYC_2019")
, "tempTable_7544618374004094193" /* Node 49 */ as (  select "neighbourhood_group", 
                                                             avg("tempTable_3090550887201630965"."price") as "AVG(price)" 
                                                        from "tempTable_3090550887201630965"  /*  */
                                                    group by "neighbourhood_group") 
    select "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."id"                             as "id", 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."name"                           as "name", 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."host_id"                        as "host_id", 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."host_name"                      as "host_name", 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."neighbourhood_group"            as "neighbourhood_group", 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."neighbourhood"                  as "neighbourhood", 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."latitude"                       as "latitude", 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."longitude"                      as "longitude", 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."room_type"                      as "room_type", 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."price"                          as "price", 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."minimum_nights"                 as "minimum_nights", 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."number_of_reviews"              as "number_of_reviews", 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."last_review"                    as "last_review", 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."reviews_per_month"              as "reviews_per_month", 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."calculated_host_listings_count" as 
           "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."availability_365"               as "availability_365", 
           "tempTable_7544618374004094193"."AVG(price)"                     as "AVG(price)" 
      from "tempTable_3090550887201630965" /* Node 48 */
-- adding "inner" because I am just fond of explicity
inner join "tempTable_7544618374004094193" /* Node 49 */
        on "tempTable_3090550887201630965"."neighbourhood_group" = "tempTable_7544618374004094193"."neighbourhood_group"

It has become much longer, this post, than I expected, but hope it is not to daring.

Kind regards


Hi Thiemo,
thanks a lot for the great feedback on the generated query. Regarding the query length, we have an internal ticket to see if we can flatten the query and remove redundant information (internal number is AP-16428). We also have a ticket to format the generated query to make it more readable (AP-18993).
Adding the node numbers to the parts of the statements is interesting and we will look into it (AP-19204). However this information would be lost if we would apply the query flattening. The with clause is also a good idea which we will also investigate in AP-19204.


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Hello @Thiemo.Kellner ,
we just release version 4.7 of the KNIME Analytics Platform which now supports query flattening (e.g. removing of unnecessary subqueries). Usually this is not required since most databases do a great job in optimizing the query prior execution. However, for some databases (especially SAP HANA) enabling this option can result in an improved execution speed.

You can enable the new Flatten sub-queries where possible option in the Advance tab of all DB connector nodes.

For an overview of all the new features have a look at the What’s new page. For all the details go to the changelog.



OK I am only seeing this right now. This is a very interesting feature I will explore.

Internal ticket ID: AP-16428
Fix version(s): 4.7.0
Other related topic(s): -