Hi there, are the indigo nodes still available? I downloaded the community contributions updates 3.5 but I can’t see the indigo KNIME integration as shown here for the 3.3 version Nodes for KNIME.
…3 hours later…the nodes now suddenly appeared in the community contributions and I have no idea how/why…I’m pretty sure I had checked exactly that folder at least twice today…Just before they appeared my colleague had sent me a KNIME file with an indigo node which prompted KNIME to look for them possibly…
Anyway, I’m happy about that development.
I did following. From within KNIME went File --> Preferences --> Install/Update --> Available Software Sites and enabled KNIME Community Extensions (Experimental) site.
Then went on KNIME Hub Indigo Extension page and used Drag&Drop functionality. Indigo nodes were found. Give it a try and if any question or something is not working feel free to ask. Didn’t proceed with installation till the end cause don’t need them
It would be nice if it were stated a bit more clear on the Knime (or the ggsoftware site which nowadays seems to be EPAM ? Actually, there it is difficult to find anything).
Every time I make a major upgrade where Knime is replace by a new version I forget how to activate the site for Indigo. And if I go this Knime page: https://www.knime.com/community/indigo
there are several broken link and the link to the forum is to the old forum.
Why not simply write a two line “activate Community Extensions (experimental)” as @ipazin wrote (I don’t even think you need the image).
haven’t tried but would say it is possible. If you don’t have KNIME Community Extensions (Experimental) site under File --> Preferences --> Install/Update --> Available Software Sites you can add it and install Indigo nodes
don’t understand where do you select “all available sites”? Anyways see here how to add update site if it’s missing from above mentioned place in preferences:
And this is location site for KNIME Community Extensions (Experimental) for version 4.2: https://update.knime.com/community-contributions/4.2