Indigo install

Hi there, are the indigo nodes still available? I downloaded the community contributions updates 3.5 but I can’t see the indigo KNIME integration as shown here for the 3.3 version Nodes for KNIME.

…3 hours later…the nodes now suddenly appeared in the community contributions and I have no idea how/why…I’m pretty sure I had checked exactly that folder at least twice today…Just before they appeared my colleague had sent me a KNIME file with an indigo node which prompted KNIME to look for them possibly…
Anyway, I’m happy about that development.

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Great. Thanks for letting us know. If you run into further problems, we’re happy to help :slight_smile:

Hey, is there any idea whether the Indigo nodes will be available in Knime 4.0?



I just installed Knime 4.1 but unfortunately I could not find the Indigo nodes.
Are they available for Knime 4.1?
If yes where can find them?

Thanks for your help.


Hi there @claudeostermann and @rbjacob1,

and welcome to KNIME Community Forum!

I did following. From within KNIME went File --> Preferences --> Install/Update --> Available Software Sites and enabled KNIME Community Extensions (Experimental) site.

Then went on KNIME Hub Indigo Extension page and used Drag&Drop functionality. Indigo nodes were found. Give it a try and if any question or something is not working feel free to ask. Didn’t proceed with installation till the end cause don’t need them :slight_smile:

Hope this helps!



It would be nice if it were stated a bit more clear on the Knime (or the ggsoftware site which nowadays seems to be EPAM ? Actually, there it is difficult to find anything).
Every time I make a major upgrade where Knime is replace by a new version I forget how to activate the site for Indigo. And if I go this Knime page:
there are several broken link and the link to the forum is to the old forum.
Why not simply write a two line “activate Community Extensions (experimental)” as @ipazin wrote (I don’t even think you need the image).


Hi @docminus2,

I agree with you. There are actually several areas in which/ways this can be improved and some will hopefully soon be in place :wink:


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Hi Everyone,

I stumbled upon this thread looking how to install indigo on KNIME 4.2. Is it possible? I don’t see a listing for the community experimental repo.

Thanks in advance,

Hello @j_ochoada,

haven’t tried but would say it is possible. If you don’t have KNIME Community Extensions (Experimental) site under File --> Preferences --> Install/Update --> Available Software Sites you can add it and install Indigo nodes :wink:


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Hi Ivan,

Yes that is the case. When I select all available sites KNIME Community Extensions (Experimental) is not visible. Is there somewhere I can get it?


Hello @j_ochoada,

don’t understand where do you select “all available sites”? Anyways see here how to add update site if it’s missing from above mentioned place in preferences:

And this is location site for KNIME Community Extensions (Experimental) for version 4.2:


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