I am a new user of Knime and I am trying to install Indigo on version 2.11.3. I have added the 2.11 Community Contributions to the Available Software sites and subsequently installed Installed Knime extensions. This downloads a number of useful cheminformatics tools but there is no sign of Indigo. The only two indigo related fields for download were (1) Indigo KNIME integrations and (2) Source for Indigo KNIME integration and both were installed. Are these the only two files for installation?
Upon Installation I get a number of errors, see below. I'd welcome any suggestions on how to fix this problem.
ERROR RepositoryManager Node com.ggasoftware.indigo.knime.fremover.IndigoFeatureRemoverNodeFactory' from plugin 'com.ggasoftware.indigo.knime.plugin' could not be created: Can't load factory class for node: com.ggasoftware.indigo.knime.fremover.IndigoFeatureRemoverNodeFactory The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager Node com.ggasoftware.indigo.knime.IndigoHydrogenAdderNodeFactory' from plugin 'com.ggasoftware.indigo.knime.plugin' could not be created: Can't load factory class for node: com.ggasoftware.indigo.knime.hadder.IndigoHydrogenAdderNodeFactory The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager Node com.ggasoftware.indigo.knime.IndigoHydrogenRemoverNodeFactory' from plugin 'com.ggasoftware.indigo.knime.plugin' could not be created: Can't load factory class for node: com.ggasoftware.indigo.knime.hremover.IndigoHydrogenRemoverNodeFactory The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager Node com.ggasoftware.indigo.knime.layout.IndigoLayout2DNodeFactory' from plugin 'com.ggasoftware.indigo.knime.plugin' could not be created: Can't load factory class for node: com.ggasoftware.indigo.knime.layout.IndigoLayout2DNodeFactory The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager Node com.ggasoftware.indigo.knime.IndigoMoleculePropertiesNodeFactory' from plugin 'com.ggasoftware.indigo.knime.plugin' could not be created: Can't load factory class for node: com.ggasoftware.indigo.knime.molprop.IndigoMoleculePropertiesNodeFactory The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager Node com.ggasoftware.indigo.knime.IndigoValenceCheckerNodeFactory' from plugin 'com.ggasoftware.indigo.knime.plugin' could not be created: Can't load factory class for node: com.ggasoftware.indigo.knime.valence.IndigoValenceCheckerNodeFactory The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager Node com.ggasoftware.indigo.knime.IndigoFingerprintSimilarityNodeFactory' from plugin 'com.ggasoftware.indigo.knime.plugin' could not be created: Can't load factory class for node: com.ggasoftware.indigo.knime.fpsim.IndigoFingerprintSimilarityNodeFactory The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager Node com.ggasoftware.indigo.knime.IndigoMoleculeFingerprinterNodeFactory' from plugin 'com.ggasoftware.indigo.knime.plugin' could not be created: Can't load factory class for node: com.ggasoftware.indigo.knime.molfp.IndigoMoleculeFingerprinterNodeFactory The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!
ERROR RepositoryManager Node com.ggasoftware.indigo.knime.combchem.IndigoReactionGeneratorNodeFactory' from plugin 'com.ggasoftware.indigo.knime.plugin' could not be created: Can't load factory class for node: com.ggasoftware.indigo.knime.combchem.IndigoReactionGeneratorNodeFactory The corresponding plugin bundle could not be activated!