I am getting such an error in Python Predicator node while running my workflow.
The error is like that:
When I look at the previous node I see there is sampleID. It exists.
But I realized that problem is not about this.
This line in the code doesn’t work:
new_data = input_table._get_numeric_data()
So ._get_numeric_data() doesn’t work in this python code. It shows as Object type.
I am using Mac OS. Do you have any idea about solving the problem?
Hi @aysegulkocak1,
Where does it show as object type?
What is the output of print(input_table['sampleID'])
? If I have a column there which comes as an Integer column, I get:
Row0 1.0
Row1 2.0
Row2 3.0
Row3 NaN
Row4 5.0
Name: sampleID, dtype: float64
What is the difference between the output of print(input_table.columns)
and the output of print(new_data.columns)
Which KNIME Analytics Platform are you using?
Best regards
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@aysegulkocak1 could there be a problem with the index of a data frame. Maybe you can reset it.
Thank you for your answer.
The output of print(input_table[‘sampleID’]) is :

The difference between the output of print(input_table.columns)
and the output of print(new_data.columns)
And I’m using KNIME 4.7.2.
Ayşegül Koçak
Hi @aysegulkocak1,
thanks for the details. Strange, I cannot reproduce this.
Can you provide your pandas version
import sys, pandas
Could you try resetting the index as suggested (and explained how to do it) in the post linked above by mlauber?
And, lastly, could you provide a minimal workflow to reproduce this issue?
Best regards
Thank you so much for your answer again.
The version is 2.0.1.
Actually, I tried resetting the index but it didn’t solve the problem 
Okay, I will try it with minimal workflow.
Thanks so much.
Ayşegül Koçak
if possible upload a sample workflow with demo data
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