Instagram Business Account Engagement

Hi Knime Community,

I hope you are doing well!. I was wondering if anyone in the community has manage to extract engagement data from an Instagram Business Account? For example, If I post a survey on Instagram, can I pull the answers along with the participant metadata? The goal here is to do text analysis with different cuts depending on what metadata is available.

Many thanks!

Hello @rmonterosapri,

I do not have a definitive answer for you as I have never done this, but I poked around and found that Meta does offer an api to grab data from.

I would take a look at Instagram API mit Facebook Login - Instagram-Plattform - Dokumentation - Meta for Developers for a general overview of what you can grab.

I believe you will want to look here at ‘Insights’ (Insights - Instagram-Plattform - Dokumentation - Meta for Developers) where you can do a GET requests for different metrics.

Hope this helps,

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