I am newbee in this area.
I want to follow C:\TEMP\knime\Example Workflows\Basic Examples\Simple Reporting Example.
There is requirement regarding install exptension Report Designer.
During installation I got this message
My version of Knime is 4.3 w10 64bit .
I can not follow this steps
Create your own report:
- Execute the entire workflow
- Click the “Open the report” button in the toolbar (make sure that the KNIME Report Designer extension is installed. If not, go to File, then Install KNIME Extensions/KNIME Report Designer)
- Select “Run” from the Report environment
- Choose your preferred format to see the final report.
Note: If you have changed the KNIME Workbench, click View/Reset Perspective to see all panels in the Report Designer.
Do you have idea what I am doing wrong?