Installing KNIME server on an AWS linux instance.

I’m trying to install KNIME server on an AWS instance running ubuntu, following the KNIME documentation.

I’ve managed to install the jar file but am having trouble connecting to the address suggested at the end of the installation through web or even my local knime analytics platform installation.

If I try access the address I get an error 404, and when I try using the public DNS of the AWS server I get directed to the tomcat interface.

I suspect the idea might be with name resolution of the address but linux is far from my comfort zone already, so I’m at a loss. Anyone had these issues or knows how to tackle them?


Hi @mrthomas3697,

That sounds like Tomcat is running, but the application wasn’t deployed correctly for some reason. Before we figure out what went wrong: Is there any reason why you don’t want to use one of our pre-configured AMIs? They come with everything installed, and work right out of the box:

See here for KNIME Server Small: (Free trial!)
KNIME Server Medium:
KNIME Server BYOL (if you already have a license or need Server Large):


Hi @RolandBurger,

For some reason the preconfigured AMI wasn’t working on our first deployment. We managed to get it to work on a fresh instance.

Thanks for your help!

Hi @mrthomas3697,

Do you have any details on what went wrong with the pre-configured AMI? Glad that it works now, but I want to rule out whether there are any issues that require attention from our engineers.
