Interactive column rename matching to standard template names.

Hi Everyone,

TIA for reading this and attempting to help. I have files coming in from different outside partners with their own column header naming and I would like to be able to rename them to my standard template. This is what I’m imagining.

I read in the partner file. I also read in my template headers. These both get read into a node or group of nodes which allows me to match the column names to rename the partner column header to my template names. Ideally this could be done in one pane so multiple renames could be renamed in one step.

I know I could build dictionaries with vendor name keyed to my template name but to do and maintain this for 20+ partners would be a nightmare.

Any experience doing this or have any ideas?


Not quite sure how different the names are. Maybe you could provide a sample for the community. The first thing which comes to my mind is some kind of regex.

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Hello @j_ochoada,

seems to me there was same/similar topic raised some time ago but can’t find it now. One thing is not completely clear to me. Would you like this process to be automatic or manual (there’s a pane in which you can see both incoming and template headers and do matching)?


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Hi Ivan,

Thanks for the response. I think because of the variety of incoming variations It would be best to have a manual assignment or matching.


Hello @j_ochoada,

seemed interesting and possibly useful for other users as well so I have done workflow example and placed it on the Hub.

All user has to do is to open Component’s view and match headers by inputting template header ID (1,2,3…) next to incoming headers. Maybe the view missing is input table view in case incoming headers can’t tell you much about column.

Give it a try and tell me if it works.



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