Interactive table (local)

I am trying to find the interactive table (local) I only have interactive table (legacy). I looked through the extensions and I’m not sure which one it would fall under. I have the 5.2.3 version of Knime

Hi @gali0403 , welcome to the KNIME community,

With the release of KNIME 5.x, some of the table nodes have changed name to reflect their (old UI / legacy) status.

The Interactive Table (local) node in KNIME 4.x has been renamed Interactive Table (legacy) in KNIME 5.1 and later.

It still functions the same way. If you were to use this node in a KNIME 5.2.3 workflow, export it and import it into KNIME 4.7.8, for example, you would see its name change back to KNIME Interactive Table (local).

excerpt from page 13 of KNIME 5.1 Analytics Platform Installation Guide 2023-07