Is it Possible? Component Initialisation

Hi Folks

I’m building a component that necessitates a couple of calls to get a field list, which i then use to populate a “Multiple Selection Configuration” node in my component.

The use case here demands that however is using this component, will need to “initialize” it to get the field list relevant to the table they are using.

Is there a way i can incorporate a button in the component configuration that will run a portion of the nodes in the component, specifically those that will pull the field list in?



Hi @Gavin_Attard

Don’t think that will work if you’re just running on the client. The Server/Hub have the Refresh Widget that takes care of this. My solution here would be to split the component and have everything relevant for the Multiple Selection Configuration executed standalone and then parse the results to the second part.


Yup, though so, it’s what i did las time, but was hoping to avoid.

I did manage a quasi workaround, by splitting the component into two streams with an if/then tied to a checkbox widget.

its not the most elegant, but it works.


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