Is there a model with SARIMAX

Hello everyone, is there any good model with sarimax which include impact of price increase for example? Kind Regrads, Marija

Hello @Loknica07,

Welcome back to the forum!

There are some examples on the KNIME hub in context to using SARIMA nodes.
Here is an example from the JKI challange on Avocado Price Predictions. To find more explanation you can check the L4-TS Time Series Analysis - Specialization course, where you can find materials on using the SARIMA nodes and solve this problem here.

Hope this helps.



Hi Keerthan, thank you. I know for this model, but here is not used SARIMAX Node…
All best for you

Hi Marija, if you’re looking for a model that specifically uses SARIMAX to include external factors like price changes, you might need to explore custom Python or R integrations in KNIME. SARIMAX is quite powerful for such scenarios.

Hi Neha, thank you. Do we have some best practise in hub? I didnt find it. Or is there some models which i could use?