Issue: Inability to Use Kafka in KNIME

Hello, KNIME community,

I have been attempting to integrate Apache Kafka with KNIME for a recent assignment but have encountered some roadblocks. Despite following various configurations, I’m unable to create a connection between Kafka and KNIME.

My Kafka server is on port 9092, meanwhile, my Kafdrop server is on port 9000. Also, even at an offset of 0, it shows me no such response.

Hello, does running the cluster outside of KNIME works for you? If you can verify that, and also if possible, please share the log output in case of any errors that are encountered.




Hi, Ali.
I think, not particularly. It just shows me the title of my message but not the content I want even outside the Knime. Can you help me to solve this issue? That would be great.


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