Issues accessing files

I am reading files from a folder in OneDrive, and sometimes I am able to read files and others I am not. I am getting an error message for one folder that says “The cloud operation is invalid”. There error is inconsistent, as sometimes I am able to access files in other similar folders. Should I be using some other connector for Microsoft or Sharepoint?

Hi @kmarrs901,
Can you have a look under View → Open KNIME Log… and see if the error message appears there as well? It should be accompanied by more details and this might help us figure out what is wrong.
Kind regards,

Thanks for the reply, but nothing appears in the error log. I did use the SharePoint Online Connector and was able then to configure the Excel Reader node.

@kmarrs901 can you try and produce a more detailed log

Also: are the files on one drive also synced to your local machine?

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