JavaScript line plots issue

Hi there,
I have and issue with all the javascript line plots (both the standard one and the Plotly one)… to be more precise, they work the first time they are executed, but if I re-execute them from the second time they freeze indefinitely (and so a loop that include those nodes stops after the first iteration).
The strange thing is that the javascript scatter plots work without any problem.

I have already followed some advice in the forum for similar problems, but I have not been able to find a solution.

System information: KNIME AP 4.5.0 , Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

Useful log files attached.
log_1.txt (6.0 KB)
log_2.txt (1.5 KB)

Many thanks for you help.

Hello Daniele,

I assume you have the ‘image generation’ enabled for the Line Plot, right? If so, then it’s a problem we are aware of and are working on.

Meanwhile you could try to use the ‘Image Generator’ shipped with this extension. Make sure to select ‘Bundled Headless Chromium’ in the JavaScript Views-preferences.



Dear Martin,
the extension solved the issue, thanks for your support!


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