JDBC Oracle driver not working on Server (Linux)

we are using the oracle 12 jdbc driver on the Knime workstion (on Windows) now I tried to get the workflow (which is running on the workstation) to work on the knime server 4.9 (on Linux)
The workflow allways runs into a timeout.

-----Preferences on the server-----
/instance/org.knime.database/drivers/Oracle\ 8/database_type=oracle
/instance/org.knime.database/drivers/Oracle\ 8/driver_class=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
/instance/org.knime.database/drivers/Oracle\ 8/paths/0=/app/driver/ojdbc8.jar
/instance/org.knime.database/drivers/Oracle\ 8/url_template=://:/<database_name>
/instance/org.knime.database/drivers/Oracle\ 8/version=12.2.0

Screenshot from the configuration

Hello WMoser,
these seems to be a problem with the service settings in your Oracle DB indicated by the ORA-12514 error code in the screenshot and the java.io.IOException: Socket read timed out in the log file.

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yes it was the oracle service, we operate a oracle cluster and on the firewall there were some adresses missing.
Thanks for support!


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