I want to join columns from 2 tables from 2 different nodes. I want to filter and join using a node and matching string from 1 table to another table’s column
Substr(Table1. column1,5) like (%Table2.Column2%)
I want to join columns from 2 tables from 2 different nodes. I want to filter and join using a node and matching string from 1 table to another table’s column
Substr(Table1. column1,5) like (%Table2.Column2%)
Perhaps using Cross Joiner node after creating a new column with substring value in table 1 and test with column expression.
Hi @rds , As @jpollet suggests, the cross joiner method is a possible way to achieve this with the standard KNIME nodes. You may be interested in an alternative method, in the form of a component which utilises the H2 database node to provide this functionality…
Joining with custom conditions.knwf (205.4 KB)
You can specify the where clause using H2 sql, and refer to the two input tables as “t1” and “t2”. It is necessary to include any column names in double quotes to preserve their case, otherwise H2 will assume the names are upper case which may cause the query to fail.
LIKE '%'||t2."Reference" ||'%'
I have other “joiner components” in this demonstration workflow:
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