Join a lot of columns with 'tab' separator (Column Combiner Node) (Combined string)

Hi friends

My table has 300 columns.
I need to “concatenate them into a single string using the ‘tab’ separator.”

Using the “column expression node,” I know that there is the joinSep function where I can use the rule "\t" to represent a TAB.

However, since I have 300 columns, it would be a lot of work to create a function like this:


My analysis: I tried using the “Column Combiner node,” but in the delimiter field, when I tried to use "\t", the system interpreted it as a string literal instead of a TAB character.

I found the “Column Combiner” more practical because I only need to move the desired columns to the right instantly.


Question: Is there a smarter way to do this?
Question: Is there a more practical way to perform the join on all 300 columns?

-----------------------Result that I need--------------------

Hi think I found a solution.

Using the “Column Aggregator Node”

Step 1 - Columns


Step 2 - “Column Aggregator Node”

Step 3 - “Column Aggregator Node”
Value delimiter accept \t has separator



Nice! You ended up doing what I would have in the end - the Column Aggregator works for this purpose. :slight_smile:

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