Joiner node not working when using flow variables in Web UI

I was playing around with the Web UI of the joiner node and noticed that the current design is somewhat flawed when working with flow variables. Before, the selection of the columns was controlled by a stringlist that could be applied to both the leftColumnSelectionConfig/included_names and rightColumnSelectionConfig/included_names

When opening the configure flow variables through Web UI, the old UI opens and I apply a previously created stringlist accordingly.


Contrary to the current UI, the node config does not give any indication that the left hand column selection is now controlled by a variable.

It turns out, that the flow variable is not even applied at all. When changing the input column to something I know will fail but should be overridden by the flow variable after all, actually fails which should not happen if the flow variable was actually applied.

Column3 here should contain some values, as per the joiner with the same settings but without flow variable applied.

Going back to the main config dialog, I noticed that each column is now individually controllable. But these can only be controlled by string variables. This is pretty conflicting with what the flow variables dialog gives.


This raises the question, which direction is KNIME going? What will be the final direction? Control each column individually or still have the option of a stringlist?

Actual results:
Stringlist flow variable not working. Cannot be applied in main dialog. Flow variables can only be applied to individual columns. All workflows and components containing a joiner that is controlled by this will be broken.

Expected results:
Stringlist flow variable applied correctly. Alignment between config dialog and configure flow variables dialog.

Webui_Joiner_Labs.knwf (99.2 KB)

Note: WF is saved in the “broken” config. Incorrect column selection that should have been overriden by the flow variable.

Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (10.0, Build 19045)

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Hi @ArjenEX,

Thank you for reporting this, I have created a ticket for tracking purposes. The internal reference number is UIEXT-1983.


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Hi @ArjenEX,

Sorry for the confusion caused, after talking to the devs this is what is planned, going forward we want to enable per field flow variables, but will introduce a way to overwrite arrays more easily. Current idea is to introduce an optional table input port that needs to provide the array specific variables. With the old way it was hard to get all required flow variables in the same shape and length. Also let me clarify somethings:

  1. The leftColumnSelectionConfig/included_names flow variable do not control the columns used for join conditions, rather it controls the ‘Output Columns’ to be included after the join.

  2. Column selection doesn’t indicate that it’s (partly) controlled by flow variables: yes, that’s a problem. Which is supposed to be solved with this ticket : UIEXT-1855

  3. And there is another problem which isn’t directly mentioned here but cam up during internal breaking days event, Array widget: no entry shown if flow variables configured with AP < 5.3. UIEXT-1998 is opened to adress this issue.


Hope this helps.


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