Good afternoon everyone!
I am writing because i have a problem with the nodes JS Plotly. I am correctly registered to Plotly and i can Log in to the platform when i enter the website via Google.
However, when i enter the page from the knime node “interactive view” of the graph i want to edit (e.g a radar plot) when i try to sign in it always appears an error (“uh oh! … try again later”) but my credentials are fine since i can enter Plotly from everywhere except from knime. I can’t save the layout or export anything if i am not logged in so the plotly editing is unuseful for me at the moment. Do you have the same issue? or any idea how to solve the problem?
Thank you in advance!!
Best regards,
Which node are you using exactly? The Generic JavaScript View? Can you post the code you are using? We do have Plotly nodes such as the radar plot available in our extension KNIME Plotly. It does not require an account for Plotly, they work completely offline.
Kind regards,
Hi Aexander,
I am using the Plotly Radar Plot
the problem is that the graph is only in black and white and to edit it i have to click here:
However, when i enter the page i can edit what i like but in order to keep the format i edited (or to save/export the graph) the page tells me to log in into plotly but it always appears an error, hence i lose what i edited when i leave the page.
Thank you in advance for your kind support!
That is strange, I do not even have this button and I do not think it can work. You can add colors with the Color Manager, though. I have attached a workflow showing how that works.
Kind regards,
Radar Colors.knwf (9.6 KB)
I activated the button in the “control options” panel of the graph configuration (is the last box to thick “Enable link to plotly editor”). Anyway, thank you very much for the attached workflow, i am looking at it now.
PS: if the “plotly editor” would be properly enabled it would be very useful for a lot of users i think, because the editing possibilities the plotly webpage offers are a lot and allows to make really beautiful graphs!
Thank you again Alexander
Hi there
Were you able to resolve this problem?
Just ran into this same problem. Will be really good to get this feature working, because you’re right - the features of plotly editor are awesome.
Looks like the problem is still there. It would be great to be able to use it!
this is not possible but your requests are noted in existing ticket. (Internal reference: AP-14914)
Hi @ipazin Any news on this?
Hello @iperez,
can’t help you unfortunately. Not in a role I used to be anymore. Hope someone will give you more information about this. And that eventually this will be implemented
Have a nice day,