JSON input not exposed to REST if shared

If I take a JSON Input node (plus some others) and package it into a sub node which is then shared on the server, the information is not exposed in REST service (jobs) under "inputParameters" value. If I don't use shared sub node everything works OK.

This is needed because the calling application first checks what kind of JSON structure called workflow takes, and this is impossible because there is no "inputParameters" value. Besides, KNIME server always adds a "node number" after the JSON input node name, so just sending a predefined JSON input is not possible.

Currently the JSON Input node will not work when bundled in a sub node. The workaround is to make sure that the JSON Input node is at the top level of the workflow.

If you need to share the functionality you can still share the sub node, but you would then need to use the 'Expand sub node' function to make sure that the JSON Input node is at the top level of the workflow.