keras and conda 4.4 windows bat files

I’m following the KNIME post for using Keras, but there is an issue with the latest conda 4.4 release. It seems that conda 4.4 wants to use the anaconda cmd line.
Does anyone know how to write such as windows bat file.

I somehow need to include a line to request a CALL to the anaconda cmd prompt:
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Anaconda3 (64-bit)

@REM Adapt the directory in the PATH to your system
@SET PATH=C:\a3\Scripts;%PATH%
@CALL activate knime_keras || ECHO Activating knime_keras failed
@python %*


Hi Mike,

we have to further look into this problem and see if we can come up with a solution for you. Thanks for reporting :slight_smile: If you find a solution in the meantime, please let us know, then we can also update our “Getting Started” guide.

We’ll keep you updated!


Hi Mike,

unfortunately, we could not reproduce any Errors. For us, updating conda to 4.4.11 (4.5 as well) did not do any harm and the bash script still works as described here.

Do you get any error message(s) that you could post?

I somehow need to include a line to request a CALL to the anaconda cmd prompt:
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Anaconda3 (64-bit)

Via the @SET PATH, you define where your conda.exe lies, and by the next line you execute this *.exe with parameters that tell conda to activate the environment called knime_keras. Can you specify where you would need an anaconda cmd prompt?

Could you check that a conda environments called knime_keras exists, e.g. via conda info --envs from an anaconda cmd prompt?

Best, Lukas

please find enclosed the log file.
once again please change the extension… Perhaps I should request the adding of txt files as a feature request to the forum ?
mikepythonlog.xlsx (68.3 KB)

yes this does exist.


Could it be that c:\a3\Scripts doesn’t point on your Anaconda directory? Can you replace it with C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Anaconda3?

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