Keras network learner execution problem

I have Brain tumor MRI images dataset which contains 4 categories and I want to implement CNN to train model so that it learns to categorise unseen image( test data ) correctly. when I want to train my models with the nodes showed in the pictures I attach I get this error when executing keras network learner node based on the configuration also shown in the screenshots and I can not figure it out. would anyone kindly help me through solving that? Iget this error : Execute failed: Node training data size for input/target ‘dense_2_0:0’ exceeds the expected size. Neuron count of this input/target is 1, batch size is 5712. Thus, expected training data size is 5712. Please check the column selection for this input/target and validate the node’s training data
and this is my workflow and node configuration:

Hey amookhashi,

welcome to the KNIME Community. It is best to share the workflow itself so that others can help you. Would be great if you could do that.
All the best


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