KNIME 5.4.0 Google Sheets Reader error if sheet name has a + symbol in it.

KNIME 5.4.0 Google Sheets Reader error if sheet name has a + symbol in it.

spreadsheetId altered for privacy reasons.

I have a sheetName flow variable passed into a Google Sheets Reader node with a value of Active Position + Job Level

The + is seen in the error’s GET URL below, but the {} parts of the error have a where the + was for the sheetName variable value passed into the node.

ERROR Google Sheets Reader 3:152 Execute failed: Could not fetch sheet name for given spreadsheet id: 400 Bad Request
“code”: 400,
“errors”: [
“domain”: “global”,
“message”: “Unable to parse range: Active Position Job Level”,
“reason”: “badRequest”
“message”: “Unable to parse range: Active Position Job Level”,

The exact same workflow consuming the exact same Google spreadsheet worked for KNIME 4.2.2 but after updating to 5.4.0, The Google Sheets Reader node fails. I have tried this out on other sheets, with a + in the name and without a +, and it consistently errors on those with a +.

I also replaced the deprecated Google Authenticator node with a current one and it made no difference to the Google Sheets Reader node.

For production use I am not able to rename the sheet. At best my workaround is to create another file with a sheet name that does not have a + in it, have it IMPORTRANGE the data that needs to be read from the original then have KNIME read that new file’s sheet instead. Clugy.

Is there some setting that I am missing to have the + work again?

Will this be fixed in a future release?

Note the "**"s in the URL were supposed to turn bolding on; they were not part of the error.

Hello @Lee_F ,

thanks for reporting this issue. I was able to reproduce it and created a ticket (internal number AP-23905). The fix will most likely not make it into the 5.4.1 release which will be released soon. But it will be fixed with 5.4.2 at the latest.

The latest KNIME Analytics Platform version that does work is 4.6 if you want to update to a more recent version. The problem seems to be caused by a Google library update that we did with 4.7 but we still need to investigate in more detail.


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Hello @Lee_F ,
we found the problem in the Google API client itself that we use and requested an update when this is planned to be fixed. We will keep you posted here.

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