KNIME 5.4.0 Google Sheets Reader error if sheet name has a + symbol in it.
spreadsheetId altered for privacy reasons.
I have a sheetName flow variable passed into a Google Sheets Reader node with a value of Active Position + Job Level
The + is seen in the error’s GET URL below, but the {} parts of the error have a where the + was for the sheetName variable value passed into the node.
ERROR Google Sheets Reader 3:152 Execute failed: Could not fetch sheet name for given spreadsheet id: 400 Bad Request
“code”: 400,
“errors”: [
“domain”: “global”,
“message”: “Unable to parse range: Active Position Job Level”,
“reason”: “badRequest”
“message”: “Unable to parse range: Active Position Job Level”,
The exact same workflow consuming the exact same Google spreadsheet worked for KNIME 4.2.2 but after updating to 5.4.0, The Google Sheets Reader node fails. I have tried this out on other sheets, with a + in the name and without a +, and it consistently errors on those with a +.
I also replaced the deprecated Google Authenticator node with a current one and it made no difference to the Google Sheets Reader node.
For production use I am not able to rename the sheet. At best my workaround is to create another file with a sheet name that does not have a + in it, have it IMPORTRANGE the data that needs to be read from the original then have KNIME read that new file’s sheet instead. Clugy.
Is there some setting that I am missing to have the + work again?
Will this be fixed in a future release?