KNIME 5.4 Streaming

Is streaming available in 5.4? There is a KNIME blog from 2016 but it’s not applicable to the current version.

@Christopher41 the streaming extension is still there and you can load it:

Currently there seems to be a problem with automatically installing it but there already is a ticket for that AP-23779

Referencing the KNIME blog on how to use these options are no longer available.

You will have to load the extension before you load the workflow containing a streaming option. Otherwise it will ‚forget‘ this. That was why I opened a ticket in the first place.

The screenshot above is from that blog. Those options are not available after installing the extension.

Hi @Christopher41 , the “wrapped metanode” is the old terminology for what is now called “component” in the more modern (past few years) versions of KNIME, so I believe “encapsulate into wrapped metanode” is now “create component” :slight_smile:

From 2019…before my time :wink:


Thanks for the info!

@Christopher41 should work with Components:

Bildschirmaufnahme 2025-01-15 um 18.58.35


You are my hero today! Thanks for the help.