Knime AI Extension error 5.2

I can see that there are a few open topics on this issue for 5.1 and apple silicon. however I am hitting the error trying to install the AI extension in 5.2, installation is on a PC not behind any firewalls or proxies with Windows defender disabled. I have it running on my laptop at 5.1.2

An error occurred while installing the items
session context was:(profile=KNIMEProfile, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Install, operand=null → [R], action=org.knime.product.p2.actions.ShellExec).
ShellExec command exited non-zero exit value:

The error log reads as follows.
create_env.txt (25.7 KB)

Windows long path is enabled.

Thanks for any ideas

@mgirdwood you might want to remove all extensions about llms via knime installation and then maybe also remove all folders. I sometimes had different folders lingering around. I have some additional hints in this article.

Also you could try to install the KNIME intel version on a Apple Silicon machine. I have done so to avoid several issues with extensions that would not correctly install and sometimes use it. You miss out on about 20% speed but might benefit in stability.

Since we are at it. Currently there also is a bug where the local llms will not really work offline (you turn off your WiFi just to be sure). But this can also be fixed:


Hi @mgirdwood,

thanks for the detailed information already.

So you are on Windows and want to install the KNIME AI Extension (Labs) – KNIME Community Hub for 5.2. Additionally to Markus’ suggestions, I’d like to ask:

  • Can you provide the create_env.err file (see here)? It is next to the create_env.out file, which you already posted (no need to change to .txt anymore, you should be able to upload it as .err - same holds for .out)
  • Can you provide the knime log around the installation time (or just check whether there is anything installation related)? You can just try a new installation and see what happens and if it shows anything in the knime log

Thanks and sorry for the trouble!


Hi Steffen

The create_env.err file is 0 bytes so nothing to upload

I re ran the workflow incl the request for install and the log reads:

2024-01-08 19:15:12,974 : WARN : ModalContext : : Node : PDF Parser : 3:26 : Node can’t be executed - Node “PDF Parser” not available from extension “KNIME Textprocessing” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.ext.textprocessing” is not installed)
2024-01-08 19:15:13,119 : WARN : ModalContext : : Node : MISSING GPT4All Chat Model Connector : 3:166 : Node can’t be executed - Node “GPT4All Chat Model Connector” not available from extension “KNIME AI Extension (Labs)” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.python.llm” is not installed)
2024-01-08 19:15:13,121 : WARN : ModalContext : : Node : MISSING GPT4All Embeddings Connector : 3:169 : Node can’t be executed - Node “GPT4All Embeddings Connector” not available from extension “KNIME AI Extension (Labs)” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.python.llm” is not installed)
2024-01-08 19:15:13,174 : WARN : ModalContext : : Node : Refresh Button Widget : 3:130:0:156 : Component does not have input data, execute upstream nodes first
2024-01-08 19:15:13,175 : WARN : ModalContext : : Node : Component Input : 3:130:0:1925 : Component does not have input data, execute upstream nodes first
2024-01-08 19:15:13,305 : WARN : ModalContext : : Node : CSS Editor : 3:130:0:1:1723 : Component does not have input data, execute upstream nodes first
2024-01-08 19:15:13,322 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Errors during load: Status: Error: GPT4All - Create your own LLM Vector Store 3 loaded with errors
2024-01-08 19:15:13,322 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: GPT4All - Create your own LLM Vector Store 3
2024-01-08 19:15:13,322 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: Node “LLM Prompter” not available from extension “KNIME AI Extension (Labs)” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.python.llm” is not installed)
2024-01-08 19:15:13,322 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: Node “GPT4All Chat Model Connector” not available from extension “KNIME AI Extension (Labs)” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.python.llm” is not installed)
2024-01-08 19:15:13,322 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: Node “GPT4All Embeddings Connector” not available from extension “KNIME AI Extension (Labs)” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.python.llm” is not installed)
2024-01-08 19:15:13,323 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: Node “FAISS Vector Store Creator” not available from extension “KNIME AI Extension (Labs)” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.python.llm” is not installed)
2024-01-08 19:15:13,323 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: Node “Vector Store Retriever” not available from extension “KNIME AI Extension (Labs)” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.python.llm” is not installed)
2024-01-08 19:15:13,323 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Warning: PDF Parser 3:26
2024-01-08 19:15:13,323 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Warning: State has changed from IDLE to CONFIGURED
2024-01-08 19:15:13,324 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Warning: Sentence Extractor 3:1887
2024-01-08 19:15:13,324 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Warning: State has changed from IDLE to CONFIGURED
2024-01-08 19:15:13,324 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Warning: Row Filter 3:1888
2024-01-08 19:15:13,324 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Warning: State has changed from IDLE to CONFIGURED
2024-01-08 19:15:13,324 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: chat with GPT4all model and your Vector Store 3:130
2024-01-08 19:15:13,325 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: Node “LLM Prompter” not available from extension “KNIME AI Extension (Labs)” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.python.llm” is not installed)
2024-01-08 19:15:13,325 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: Node “Vector Store Retriever” not available from extension “KNIME AI Extension (Labs)” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.python.llm” is not installed)
2024-01-09 18:11:06,676 : ERROR : main : : WindowsDefenderExceptionHandler : : : PowerShell command powershell -inputformat none -outputformat text -NonInteractive -Command Get-Item -Path ‘Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Exclusions\Processes’ -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Property did not terminate successfully.
2024-01-09 18:11:06,678 : ERROR : main : : WindowsDefenderExceptionHandler : : : Stderr is:
2024-01-09 18:11:06,678 : ERROR : main : : WindowsDefenderExceptionHandler : : : Get-Item : Requested registry access is not allowed.
2024-01-09 18:11:06,678 : ERROR : main : : WindowsDefenderExceptionHandler : : : At line:1 char:1
2024-01-09 18:11:06,678 : ERROR : main : : WindowsDefenderExceptionHandler : : : + Get-Item -Path 'Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windo …
2024-01-09 18:11:06,678 : ERROR : main : : WindowsDefenderExceptionHandler : : : + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2024-01-09 18:11:06,678 : ERROR : main : : WindowsDefenderExceptionHandler : : : + CategoryInfo : PermissionDenied: (HKEY_LOCAL_MACH…sions\Processes:String) [Get-Item], SecurityExcepti
2024-01-09 18:11:06,679 : ERROR : main : : WindowsDefenderExceptionHandler : : : on
2024-01-09 18:11:06,679 : ERROR : main : : WindowsDefenderExceptionHandler : : : + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.Security.SecurityException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetItemCommand
2024-01-09 18:11:06,679 : ERROR : main : : WindowsDefenderExceptionHandler : : :
2024-01-09 18:11:23,784 : ERROR : Worker-1: Favorite Nodes Loader : : FileWorkflowPersistor : Simple Preprocessing : 2:12 : Unable to load node with ID suffix 6 into workflow, skipping it: null
at org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.preprocessing.stopwordfilter.StopWordFilterNodeDialog3.getBuiltInListModel(
at org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.preprocessing.stopwordfilter.StopWordFilterNodeModel3.(
at org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.preprocessing.stopwordfilter.StopWordFilterNodeFactory3.createNodeModel(
at org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.preprocessing.stopwordfilter.StopWordFilterNodeFactory3.createNodeModel(
at org.knime.core.node.NodeFactory.callCreateNodeModel(
at org.knime.core.node.Node.(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.FileNativeNodeContainerPersistor.preLoadNodeContainer(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.FileWorkflowPersistor.loadNodeContainer(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.WorkflowManager.postLoad(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.WorkflowManager.loadContent(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.WorkflowManager.load(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.WorkflowManager.load(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryFactory.loadMetaNode(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryFactory.createMetaNode(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryManager.processConfigurationElements(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryManager.readMetanodes(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryManager.readRepository(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryManager.getNodeTemplate(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.NodeUsageRegistry.loadFrequentNodes(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoriteNodesManager.loadFavoriteNodes(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoriteNodesManager.loadFavorites(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoriteNodesManager.createTreeModel(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoriteNodesManager.(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoriteNodesManager.getInstance(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoritesView$
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke “” because “fileUrl” is null
at org.knime.ext.textprocessing.TextprocessingCorePlugin.resolvePath(
at org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.preprocessing.stopwordfilter.BuildInStopwordListFactory.(
at org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.preprocessing.stopwordfilter.BuildInStopwordListFactory.(
… 26 more
2024-01-09 18:11:23,825 : ERROR : Worker-1: Favorite Nodes Loader : : FileWorkflowPersistor : Extended NER Preprocessing : 2:13 : Unable to load node with ID suffix 8 into workflow, skipping it: null
at org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.tagging.opennlpner.OpennlpNerTaggerNodeFactory2.createNodeModel(
at org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.tagging.opennlpner.OpennlpNerTaggerNodeFactory2.createNodeModel(
at org.knime.core.node.NodeFactory.callCreateNodeModel(
at org.knime.core.node.Node.(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.FileNativeNodeContainerPersistor.preLoadNodeContainer(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.FileWorkflowPersistor.loadNodeContainer(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.WorkflowManager.postLoad(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.WorkflowManager.loadContent(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.WorkflowManager.load(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.WorkflowManager.load(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryFactory.loadMetaNode(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryFactory.createMetaNode(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryManager.processConfigurationElements(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryManager.readMetanodes(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryManager.readRepository(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryManager.getNodeTemplate(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.NodeUsageRegistry.loadFrequentNodes(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoriteNodesManager.loadFavoriteNodes(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoriteNodesManager.loadFavorites(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoriteNodesManager.createTreeModel(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoriteNodesManager.(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoriteNodesManager.getInstance(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoritesView$
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke “” because “fileUrl” is null
at org.knime.ext.textprocessing.TextprocessingCorePlugin.resolvePath(
at org.knime.ext.textprocessing.util.OpenNlpModelPaths.getPersonNERModelFile(
at org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.tagging.opennlpner.OpenNlpModelFactory.(
at org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.tagging.opennlpner.OpenNlpModelFactory.getInstance(
at org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.tagging.opennlpner.OpennlpNerTaggerNodeModel2.(
… 24 more
2024-01-09 18:11:23,829 : ERROR : Worker-1: Favorite Nodes Loader : : FileWorkflowPersistor : Extended NER Preprocessing : 2:13 : Unable to load node with ID suffix 9 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.tagging.opennlpner.OpennlpNerTaggerNodeModel2
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.tagging.opennlpner.OpennlpNerTaggerNodeModel2
at org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.tagging.opennlpner.OpennlpNerTaggerNodeFactory2.createNodeModel(
at org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.tagging.opennlpner.OpennlpNerTaggerNodeFactory2.createNodeModel(
at org.knime.core.node.NodeFactory.callCreateNodeModel(
at org.knime.core.node.Node.(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.FileNativeNodeContainerPersistor.preLoadNodeContainer(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.FileWorkflowPersistor.loadNodeContainer(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.WorkflowManager.postLoad(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.WorkflowManager.loadContent(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.WorkflowManager.load(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.WorkflowManager.load(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryFactory.loadMetaNode(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryFactory.createMetaNode(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryManager.processConfigurationElements(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryManager.readMetanodes(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryManager.readRepository(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryManager.getNodeTemplate(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.NodeUsageRegistry.loadFrequentNodes(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoriteNodesManager.loadFavoriteNodes(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoriteNodesManager.loadFavorites(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoriteNodesManager.createTreeModel(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoriteNodesManager.(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoriteNodesManager.getInstance(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoritesView$
2024-01-09 18:11:23,833 : ERROR : Worker-1: Favorite Nodes Loader : : FileWorkflowPersistor : Extended NER Preprocessing : 2:13 : Unable to load node with ID suffix 10 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.tagging.opennlpner.OpennlpNerTaggerNodeModel2
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.tagging.opennlpner.OpennlpNerTaggerNodeModel2
at org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.tagging.opennlpner.OpennlpNerTaggerNodeFactory2.createNodeModel(
at org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.tagging.opennlpner.OpennlpNerTaggerNodeFactory2.createNodeModel(
at org.knime.core.node.NodeFactory.callCreateNodeModel(
at org.knime.core.node.Node.(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.FileNativeNodeContainerPersistor.preLoadNodeContainer(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.FileWorkflowPersistor.loadNodeContainer(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.WorkflowManager.postLoad(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.WorkflowManager.loadContent(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.WorkflowManager.load(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.WorkflowManager.load(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryFactory.loadMetaNode(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryFactory.createMetaNode(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryManager.processConfigurationElements(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryManager.readMetanodes(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryManager.readRepository(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryManager.getNodeTemplate(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.NodeUsageRegistry.loadFrequentNodes(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoriteNodesManager.loadFavoriteNodes(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoriteNodesManager.loadFavorites(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoriteNodesManager.createTreeModel(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoriteNodesManager.(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoriteNodesManager.getInstance(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoritesView$
2024-01-09 18:11:23,836 : ERROR : Worker-1: Favorite Nodes Loader : : FileWorkflowPersistor : Extended NER Preprocessing : 2:13 : Unable to load node with ID suffix 11 into workflow, skipping it: Could not initialize class org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.preprocessing.stopwordfilter.BuildInStopwordListFactory
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.preprocessing.stopwordfilter.BuildInStopwordListFactory
at org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.preprocessing.stopwordfilter.StopWordFilterNodeDialog3.getBuiltInListModel(
at org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.preprocessing.stopwordfilter.StopWordFilterNodeModel3.(
at org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.preprocessing.stopwordfilter.StopWordFilterNodeFactory3.createNodeModel(
at org.knime.ext.textprocessing.nodes.preprocessing.stopwordfilter.StopWordFilterNodeFactory3.createNodeModel(
at org.knime.core.node.NodeFactory.callCreateNodeModel(
at org.knime.core.node.Node.(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.FileNativeNodeContainerPersistor.preLoadNodeContainer(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.FileWorkflowPersistor.loadNodeContainer(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.WorkflowManager.postLoad(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.WorkflowManager.loadContent(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.WorkflowManager.load(
at org.knime.core.node.workflow.WorkflowManager.load(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryFactory.loadMetaNode(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryFactory.createMetaNode(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryManager.processConfigurationElements(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryManager.readMetanodes(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryManager.readRepository(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.RepositoryManager.getNodeTemplate(
at org.knime.workbench.repository.NodeUsageRegistry.loadFrequentNodes(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoriteNodesManager.loadFavoriteNodes(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoriteNodesManager.loadFavorites(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoriteNodesManager.createTreeModel(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoriteNodesManager.(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoriteNodesManager.getInstance(
at org.knime.workbench.ui.favorites.FavoritesView$
2024-01-09 18:12:03,297 : WARN : ModalContext : : Node : PDF Parser : 3:26 : Node can’t be executed - Node “PDF Parser” not available from extension “KNIME Textprocessing” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.ext.textprocessing” is not installed)
2024-01-09 18:12:03,612 : WARN : ModalContext : : Node : MISSING GPT4All Chat Model Connector : 3:166 : Node can’t be executed - Node “GPT4All Chat Model Connector” not available from extension “KNIME AI Extension (Labs)” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.python.llm” is not installed)
2024-01-09 18:12:03,617 : WARN : ModalContext : : Node : MISSING GPT4All Embeddings Connector : 3:169 : Node can’t be executed - Node “GPT4All Embeddings Connector” not available from extension “KNIME AI Extension (Labs)” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.python.llm” is not installed)
2024-01-09 18:12:03,677 : WARN : ModalContext : : Node : Refresh Button Widget : 3:130:0:156 : Component does not have input data, execute upstream nodes first
2024-01-09 18:12:03,678 : WARN : ModalContext : : Node : Component Input : 3:130:0:1925 : Component does not have input data, execute upstream nodes first
2024-01-09 18:12:03,893 : WARN : ModalContext : : Node : CSS Editor : 3:130:0:1:1723 : Component does not have input data, execute upstream nodes first
2024-01-09 18:12:04,013 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Errors during load: Status: Error: GPT4All - Create your own LLM Vector Store 3 loaded with errors
2024-01-09 18:12:04,014 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: GPT4All - Create your own LLM Vector Store 3
2024-01-09 18:12:04,014 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: Node “LLM Prompter” not available from extension “KNIME AI Extension (Labs)” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.python.llm” is not installed)
2024-01-09 18:12:04,014 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: Node “GPT4All Chat Model Connector” not available from extension “KNIME AI Extension (Labs)” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.python.llm” is not installed)
2024-01-09 18:12:04,014 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: Node “GPT4All Embeddings Connector” not available from extension “KNIME AI Extension (Labs)” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.python.llm” is not installed)
2024-01-09 18:12:04,015 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: Node “FAISS Vector Store Creator” not available from extension “KNIME AI Extension (Labs)” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.python.llm” is not installed)
2024-01-09 18:12:04,015 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: Node “Vector Store Retriever” not available from extension “KNIME AI Extension (Labs)” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.python.llm” is not installed)
2024-01-09 18:12:04,015 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Warning: PDF Parser 3:26
2024-01-09 18:12:04,016 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Warning: State has changed from IDLE to CONFIGURED
2024-01-09 18:12:04,016 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Warning: Sentence Extractor 3:1887
2024-01-09 18:12:04,016 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Warning: State has changed from IDLE to CONFIGURED
2024-01-09 18:12:04,016 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Warning: Row Filter 3:1888
2024-01-09 18:12:04,017 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Warning: State has changed from IDLE to CONFIGURED
2024-01-09 18:12:04,017 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: chat with GPT4all model and your Vector Store 3:130
2024-01-09 18:12:04,017 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: Node “LLM Prompter” not available from extension “KNIME AI Extension (Labs)” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.python.llm” is not installed)
2024-01-09 18:12:04,018 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: Node “Vector Store Retriever” not available from extension “KNIME AI Extension (Labs)” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.python.llm” is not installed)

Thanks, Mark

Thanks for the prompt answer Mark @mgirdwood!

The following part might be something. @nemad Could you please have a look? To me it seems that the WindowsDefender might be an issue.

 2024-01-09 18:11:06,676 : ERROR : main : : WindowsDefenderExceptionHandler : : : PowerShell command powershell -inputformat none -outputformat text -NonInteractive -Command Get-Item -Path ‘Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Exclusions\Processes’ -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Property did not terminate successfully.

Best regards

Hi Steffen

My apologies but I had switched Defender on after the original problem so it was a red hearing I believe. However to be sure I deleted Knime completely this morning including all sub folders pluggins etc, turned off Defender and did a new install of 5.2 followed by trying to add the extensions again

The error is the same as before:

Log -
2024-01-10 12:15:38,178 : WARN : ModalContext : : Node : MISSING PDF Parser : 3:26 : Node can’t be executed - Node “PDF Parser” not available from extension “KNIME Textprocessing” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.ext.textprocessing” is not installed)
2024-01-10 12:15:38,180 : WARN : ModalContext : : Node : MISSING PDF Parser : 3:26 : Node can’t be executed - Node “PDF Parser” not available from extension “KNIME Textprocessing” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.ext.textprocessing” is not installed)
2024-01-10 12:15:39,843 : WARN : ModalContext : : Node : MISSING GPT4All Chat Model Connector : 3:166 : Node can’t be executed - Node “GPT4All Chat Model Connector” not available from extension “KNIME AI Extension (Labs)” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.python.llm” is not installed)
2024-01-10 12:15:39,868 : WARN : ModalContext : : Node : MISSING GPT4All Embeddings Connector : 3:169 : Node can’t be executed - Node “GPT4All Embeddings Connector” not available from extension “KNIME AI Extension (Labs)” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.python.llm” is not installed)
2024-01-10 12:15:40,576 : WARN : ModalContext : : Node : Refresh Button Widget : 3:130:0:156 : Component does not have input data, execute upstream nodes first
2024-01-10 12:15:40,578 : WARN : ModalContext : : Node : Component Input : 3:130:0:1925 : Component does not have input data, execute upstream nodes first
2024-01-10 12:15:41,906 : WARN : ModalContext : : Node : CSS Editor : 3:130:0:1:1723 : Component does not have input data, execute upstream nodes first
2024-01-10 12:15:42,017 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Errors during load: Status: Error: GPT4All - Create your own LLM Vector Store 3 loaded with errors
2024-01-10 12:15:42,017 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: GPT4All - Create your own LLM Vector Store 3
2024-01-10 12:15:42,018 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: Node “LLM Prompter” not available from extension “KNIME AI Extension (Labs)” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.python.llm” is not installed)
2024-01-10 12:15:42,018 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: Node “PDF Parser” not available from extension “KNIME Textprocessing” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.ext.textprocessing” is not installed)
2024-01-10 12:15:42,018 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: Node “GPT4All Chat Model Connector” not available from extension “KNIME AI Extension (Labs)” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.python.llm” is not installed)
2024-01-10 12:15:42,019 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: Node “GPT4All Embeddings Connector” not available from extension “KNIME AI Extension (Labs)” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.python.llm” is not installed)
2024-01-10 12:15:42,019 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: Node “FAISS Vector Store Creator” not available from extension “KNIME AI Extension (Labs)” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.python.llm” is not installed)
2024-01-10 12:15:42,019 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: Node “Sentence Extractor” not available from extension “KNIME Textprocessing” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.ext.textprocessing” is not installed)
2024-01-10 12:15:42,020 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: Node “Vector Store Retriever” not available from extension “KNIME AI Extension (Labs)” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.python.llm” is not installed)
2024-01-10 12:15:42,020 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: Node “Table to HTML (legacy)” not available from extension “KNIME HTML/PDF Writer” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.ext.birt” is not installed)
2024-01-10 12:15:42,020 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: chat with GPT4all model and your Vector Store 3:130
2024-01-10 12:15:42,021 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: Node “LLM Prompter” not available from extension “KNIME AI Extension (Labs)” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.python.llm” is not installed)
2024-01-10 12:15:42,021 : ERROR : ModalContext : : LoadWorkflowRunnable : : : Status: Error: Node “Vector Store Retriever” not available from extension “KNIME AI Extension (Labs)” (provided by “KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland”; plugin “org.knime.python.llm” is not installed)

.out file:
create_env.txt (25.7 KB)

.err file is 0 bytes.

Not sure if this helps


Just to make sure I am not in error somewhere else. I tried also to install the KNIME Python Integration with the same issues.

I am running Conda

and have the all “preferences” python environments created by Knime

Hi @mgirdwood,

Thanks for trying out all these steps to get the installation working! Sorry to hear that it is still failing.

Would you mind trying out two more things, please? They are a bit more involved though :slight_smile:

For both suggestions you’d have to modify the file create_env.bat in your KNIME installation folder in e.g. C:\Program Files\KNIME 5.2.0\plugins\ some version)/bin.

Tech detail: KNIME first downloads and extracts the folder and then runs the installation. And if the installation fails, it doesn’t always clean up directly. So we can modify this file and run the installation again which should use the cached+modified file.

  1. following the suggestion from macos - Micromamba install gets stuck when run in docker container on ARM mac - Stack Overflow it could be that micromamba (our conda executable used during extension installation) gets stuck when using multiple threads. So in line 60 of create_env.bat, right before the line starting with .\micromamba.exe create -f conda_pkg_urls.txt, you could add the line
    .\micromamba.exe config set extract_threads 1

  2. In line 60 of create_env.bat add the flag -vvv (for “very verbose”) to the end of the command line staring with .\micromamba.exe create -f conda_pkg_urls.txt

The first option might actually fix the install problem, the second will only give us more info in the create_env.out file so we can dig deeper.

Thanks for helping us figure out this issue!


Hi Carsten,
Just to be clear in my head. I have added the following to the bat file

.\micromamba.exe config set extract_threads 1
.\micromamba.exe create -f conda_pkg_urls.txt -p “%knime_python_bundling_path%” -r …/…/…/bundling/root --override-channels --platform win-64 -y --safety-checks 0 1> create_env.out 2> create_env.err || GOTO FAILURE -vvv

Which I think matches your info. Then I should try to re install the extensions ?


Hi Mark,

ah sorry, I was not specific enough for the -vvv flag. We need to move that before the pipes:

.\micromamba.exe config set extract_threads 1
.\micromamba.exe create -f conda_pkg_urls.txt -p “%knime_python_bundling_path%” -r …/…/…/bundling/root --override-channels --platform win-64 -y --safety-checks -vvv 0 1> create_env.out 2> create_env.err || GOTO FAILURE

Other than that, that’s exactly what I meant. Yes, please try to re-install the extension and let us know how it goes.


1 Like

Hi Carsten

Thanks for the additional info, I made the changes.
Defender is off, .bat changed however when trying to install the extensions an error is still there.

The .out file is at o bytes
the .err seems to be providing different info:

Standard output: No KNIME_PYTHON_PACKAGE_REPO_URL set, downloading packages
1 file(s) copied.
1 file(s) copied.
The extension is org_knime_python_llm
The bundling home is set to: D:\KNIME\bundling\envs
The bundling_parent contains a backslash.
The bundle path is set to: D:\KNIME\bundling\envs\org_knime_python_llm
–safety-checks: Check -vvv value in {disabled->0,enabled->2,warn->1} OR {0,2,1} FAILED
Run with --help for more information.
Installation of the Python extension failed. See the previous output and the files “D:\KNIME\plugins\\bin\create_env.out” and “D:\KNIME\plugins\\bin\create_env.err” for details

log file in case there are any further differences:
log.txt (24.9 KB)


Argh. I am very sorry, I overlooked that the 0 belonged to the --safety-checks parameter. Could you try again?

.\micromamba.exe create -f conda_pkg_urls.txt -p “%knime_python_bundling_path%” -r …/…/…/bundling/root --override-channels --platform win-64 -y --safety-checks 0 -vvv 1> create_env.out 2> create_env.err || GOTO FAILURE

Sorry about that

Hi Carlsten

I tried the change again as you wrote but there was no difference in the errors. I was a little frustrated so again I deleted everything and ran the install again this morning on a new NVME drive - defender off etc. Same results.

log2.txt (59.5 KB)

create_env.err (9.1 KB)

Not sure what else I can try, perhaps a Python Path issue,


The paths seem really strange. What is drive G:? Is this a ‘regular’ drive or some sort of external drive or virtual drive. Is there a chance to check that?

critical libmamba create_directories: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.: “‘«£G:\KNIME\bundling\envs\org_knime_python_llm‘«ÿ”

Also in the Log there is the hint that Windows Defender is blocking the access to an entry in the Windows Registry path.

Also: have you tried installing all the extensions without opening a KNIME workflow that would possibly prompt you to do that?

Also you might want to check that you have the correct update sites for 5.2:

1 Like

Hi Markus,
The G drive is just a normal internal drive (in this case an NVME drive on the motherboard. Defender was definitely off when i installed everything, In fact i just remembered to switch it back on thanks to your comments.

Yes I thought about that also and installed the new Knime, and without the workflow open then went through the extensions one by one (took some time) until i git to the AI / Python ones when the errors started.

After this episode I created a new Linux drive on another internal disk and installed a standalone Knime there to test the LLM again, no problems with installing the extensions and the Workflow ran without a problem. On windows all the other extensions that are not Python related seem to run fine.

I am seriously thinking i have some problems with the Python Path or something like that. Short of reinstalling windows not sure where else to go given that the laptop runs it all perfectly well.


Hi all,

I am just trying version 5.2 to install the LLM nodes and I also receive the error:

!ENTRY org.knime.product 1 0 2024-01-25 15:29:11.980
!MESSAGE ShellExec directory : /home/laval/knime_5.2.0/plugins/

!ENTRY org.knime.product 1 0 2024-01-25 15:29:58.508
!MESSAGE Standard output: No KNIME_PYTHON_PACKAGE_REPO_URL set, downloading packages
Current directory: /home/laval/knime_5.2.0/plugins/
Directory name:
Extension name: org_knime_python_llm
The environment variable ‘KNIME_PYTHON_BUNDLING_PATH’ is not set

Is there a solution to this issue already? By the way I am under Linux and behind a company proxy. On a private PC it worked.

Help is appreciated!
Best wishes

PS. The behavior is that the nodes are installed and I am asked to restart and when I open the workflow (containing these nodes) KNIME asks to install the nodes, but then doesn’t provide the finish button on the installation dialog anymore.

There is a workaround described in this article:

Also if you are behind a company proxy and want to use the GPT4All nodes you currently will have to make some adaptions:


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