KNIME Analytics Platform for use in a corporate environment

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Hi there,

I understand that the KNIME Analytics Platform is free and open source.

If we only want to use the KNIME Analytics Platform by itself, is it also free and open source for use in a corporate environment?

I’ve noticed that there is KNIME Hub pricing for small teams and enterprises. Can we use the KNIME Analytics Platform without KNIME Hub? Could you provide some examples of use cases where KNIME Hub would be necessary? Currently, we are testing out the KNIME Analytics Platform, and it seems to fit our needs.

Does knime hub also equates to Knime server?



I’ve been using KNIME extensively in an industrial setting, and it has proven to be a highly reliable platform for developing complete pipelines. My experience has been excellent, with no major restrictions. I recommend starting by building a strong backbone and getting comfortable with the platform. Once you have a finalized use case and a controlled environment, moving to the KNIME Hub is the next step. The personalized support you’ll receive will help optimize your pipeline further.

For internal use, KNIME works seamlessly. Legal considerations should be discussed directly with KNIME if you plan to redistribute your work as a different tool, but using the platform internally is generally fine. The Hub will also enable advanced features like presenting workflows as applications on a server, making it a powerful tool for your business. So, my advice is to develop your initial pipeline internally, and then leverage the Hub for broader, external deployment.




Thanks for the prompt reply!

Legal considerations should be discussed directly with KNIME if you plan to redistribute your work as a different tool, but using the platform internally is generally fine.

We are currently planning to use the KNIME Analytics Platform internally for some test use cases. The Excel data we plan to process with the platform is solely for internal reporting and consumption. The work will not be redistributed or repurposed as a different tool. Anyone here from the Knime team here that can confirm we are good to use legally in a corporate setting?

So, my advice is to develop your initial pipeline internally, and then leverage the Hub for broader, external deployment.

Can provide some advise/ examples of what does “external deployment” means?

I asked ChatGPT the following: is KNIME Analytics Platform free for use in a corporate/ enterprise/ commercial setting?

Yes, the KNIME Analytics Platform is free to use, even in corporate, enterprise, or commercial settings. KNIME follows an open-source model, allowing users to download and use the platform without cost for tasks such as data analysis, reporting, and automation in professional environments.

However, KNIME also offers additional paid services and features through KNIME Server for enterprise users, including collaboration tools, workflow automation, scheduling, and management functionalities. These advanced services are available under a commercial license and are designed to meet the needs of large-scale deployments and enterprise-grade requirements.

So, while the KNIME Analytics Platform itself is free, companies may choose to pay for KNIME Server if they require enhanced enterprise features.

Can anyone from the KNIME official team confirm if the above response is accurate? Additionally, are there any links to KNIME Analytics Platform’s GPL (General Public License) in relation to its open-source definition that can be shared for further reading?


Knime analytics platform (the desktop version) is definitely free / open source and you can use it in a corporate setting.

I did so in a large corporate and that’s also one of the key appeals in my view. There’s plenty of functionality you can use free of charge, which also for a lot of testing and developing use cases w/o having to commit to a paid license. And when you have enough use cases up and running, a hub license may make sense and a business case is really easy.

Re license:

Check out the links that come up when you go to the download section:


I am not from the KNIME Team but we have several hundred installations of KNIME Analytics Platform in a corporate environment for a variety of use cases. We just recently hosted a large meeting with in-house users and KNIME’s top management and they are perfectly fine with KNIME being used in our commercial environment. Of course if you want to have more advanced use cases and cooperation between Team members and Teams as well as automation KNIME does offer the KNIME Server and Business Hub where we have several of them in production.

If you have specific questions about KNIME you can ask directly or here in the forum.

If you are coming from Excel I can offer this article about your options:


Also not from KNIME but we have several hundred KNIME AP deployed in our enterprise. There are no legal issues using the software in an enterprise. However, some things to consider are more related to your corporate environment. You need to follow any software installation rules at your company and pass approvals for software if required. You may need to set up KNIME to be deployed from a central source if your desktops do not allow admin rights to install. You may not have direct internet access or be allowed to directly download software from the internet. This can lead to some functionality issues unless you can get the infrastructure set up correctly.

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