KNIME API to change permissions


I need to use the KNIME Server API to change the permissions of folders and workflows on KNIME Server. I found the API to use, but it doesn’t give an example how to specify the permissions.
This is the example from swagger for: /rest/v4/repository/{path}:permissions
Please take note I have changed @ to # else I get warning that I can only address 5 users.
#controls”: {
“additionalProp1”: {
“href”: “string”,
“method”: “string”,
“encoding”: “None”,
“accept”: [
“title”: “string”,
“isHrefTemplate”: true,
“output”: [
“template”: {}
“additionalProp2”: {
“href”: “string”,
“method”: “string”,
“encoding”: “None”,
“accept”: [
“title”: “string”,
“isHrefTemplate”: true,
“output”: [
“template”: {}
“additionalProp3”: {
“href”: “string”,
“method”: “string”,
“encoding”: “None”,
“accept”: [
“title”: “string”,
“isHrefTemplate”: true,
“output”: [
“template”: {}
“ownerPerms”: {
“entity”: “string”,
“rights”: “string”
“worldPerms”: {
“entity”: “string”,
“rights”: “string”
“inherit”: true,
“groupPerms”: [
“entity”: “string”,
“rights”: “string”
“userPerms”: [
“entity”: “string”,
“rights”: “string”
#error”: {
#id”: “string”,
#message”: “string”,
#code”: “string”,
#messages”: [
#namespaces”: {
“additionalProp1”: {
“name”: “string”
“additionalProp2”: {
“name”: “string”
“additionalProp3”: {
“name”: “string”

So my guess is if I want to only set a new group I should pass:

“groupPerms”: [
“entity”: “admin”,
“rights”: “rwe”

But I am not sure and have no idea how to pass “read, write, execute” as permissions.

Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Willem,

Have you tried first using the GET API to check the parameters and values? Based on the GET results, you might be able to build the POST request. Please let me know if you’re still stuck.

Best regards,

Thanks Attila.
I did that and got the correct way of passing the parameters.


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