KNIME autorefresh

I’m fairly new to KNIME but I was wondering if there is a way for a KNIME workflow to update the input file itself periodically.

I’m creating a dashboard in power BI and it uses information from several excel trackers that get updated daily. I’ve done the data transformation and that will be the data input for Power BI. Is there a way for KNIME to automatically refresh the workflow either on a daily or weekly basis so the Power Bi dashboard is displaying up to date information?

This would work with KNIME business hub which is a commercial product. Is there a reason why you use KNIME instead of the build in Power query editor. Then it would work out of the box.

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Hi Daniel,

Appreciate the response. My first iteration did use power query editor however, Power BI became quite laggy. I’ve got maybe 10-20 excel trackers with numerous sheets within those files and this is for one project. The dashboard is meant to cover 10+ projects. So I thought, lets do the all the transforming in KNIME and load that into Power BI so it only deals with the visualisations. This is more of a short terms solution whilst a CDE is created.

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