I have some problem with the installation of knime business hub…
I try to understand the problem since two days but a lot of modules are in error, and I can’t identify who is the initial responsibly.
I have tried to reinstall from scratch two times with the guide of installation but the result is always the same.
I join the support-bundle with all the log here. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P09E0f9LoCQjIiCGUkYzCJgcgDPMGepj/view?usp=drive_link
The server is on Microsoft Azure with 16vCPU and 32Gb of RAM, the firewall configure on the specification.
Thank you for your patience.
We checked the support bundle and found the following.
Pod “KeyCloak-0” is in a failed state cause the Postgres database has an issue.
I checked on the postgres-operator-755d955486-rdvwk pod which shows running but the logs do show errors.
This blocks KeyCloak-0 and therefore down the line a lot of other pods from working as intended.
We suggest restarting the pods with these two calls.
After that, the pods should restart and perform correctly.
So please check the statuses a bit later, if you still encounter issues, please provide another support bundle after performing these actions.
kubectl -n knime delete pod knime-postgres-cluster-0
kubectl -n knime delete pod postgres-operator-755d955486-rdvwk
Thanks, now, postgres-operator-XXX is running, but knime-postgres-cluster-0 is in pending state, with the error “1 Insufficient cpu, 1 Insufficient memory”.
thank you for the update and the new support bundle.
We checked on the new bundle.
The reason why the deployment gets stuck with message: '0/1 nodes are available: 1 Insufficient cpu, 1 Insufficient memory.'
seems to be that the pod knime-postgres-cluster-0 has all server resources assigned to it.
If we run a kubectl describe pod knime-postgres-cluster-0 -n knime command, we get back the container resource limits and requests:
With kubectl describe node knime-hub-server we get information about how the cluster’s resources are allocated and used. This shows as well that all resources are loaded into this Pod, which blocks anything else from running as there is no memory left.
Was this value changed by hand?
If yes we suggest editing the YAML configuration using this command. kubectl edit pod knime-postgres-cluster-0
You can edit the limits to our suggested default of 1 core 1GB as shown above.
After another start message: '0/1 nodes are available: 1 Insufficient cpu, 1 Insufficient memory.' should not appear again.
If this configuration was never touched, please let us know that too.
Thank you a lot for your effort and collaboration.
I made the modification, and now knime-postgres-cluster-0 is running!
It’s a mistake of mine! In the configuration, I specify the resources (CPU and RAM) of the server but it was in the postgreSQL part!!
Sorry for that…
Just a little modification to the command:
kubectl edit pod -n knime knime-postgres-cluster-0
And I had need to use this command to apply the modification:
All the pod knime is running and the config is fix, but I have always the error deployment failed during the deployement of the version 1.5 with a different error in the logs.
I checked the logs of the CrashLoop pods and interestingly they all fail with the same error.
“PKIX path building failed”
Which indicates an issue with or surrounding the certificate.
Can you please check your settings from this page?
Please upload this information not as a picture on the thread as it might contain confidential data.
thank you for your patience.
We discussed this installation in a wider context with the team.
Neal from our Partner Pod will reach out to you directly to discuss open questions regarding the installation of the KNIME Business Hub.
The error you getting definitely indicates issues with the certification setup.
Can you please go over these points?
Try Disabling the TLS and check if the KNIME HUB Installation works fine, Post successful installation we can try to add the certificates and troubleshoot further
Can we check if the cert.pem contains the full chain including all the intermediate certs and root certs?
Can we know the signing authority of the certificate? If you are using your own organization to sign the certificates then we may need to enable the Custom CA part and then upload the Intermediate and Root CA as part of the “Enable Custom CA”
The installation was complete without TLS, but I can’t access to the other subdomains (The connection was reset).
I try to add the key and cert file after the installation but it isn’t work…
Inside my two files, I respectively have my keys and my certificates for mydomain.com, hub.mydomain.com and *.hub.mydomaine.com.
For the moment I don’t have a custom CA.