KNIME Data Talks - R&D in Life Sciences - November 4, 2021

Digital technologies such as advanced analytics, natural-language processing, and machine learning algorithms have considerably changed how R&D companies in the Life Sciences space operate. The complex drug discovery process has particularly profited by shortening the drug-to-market time and enabling scientists to make better data-driven decisions by automating their analyses. In this online event, a group of Life Science experts will demonstrate their use of KNIME in the R&D process.

We’ll start with showing how to use KNIME for Biomarker discovery, followed by a deep dive into data blending, cleaning, annotation, and integration of external tools in a single KNIME workflow. We’ll also cover modeling best practices such as substructure search, cheminformatics analysis, and toxicity assessment, which are key aspects of the R&D process.

This event isn’t just relevant to the Pharma industry. It will also provide insights into R&D in other industries such as Lubricant Chemicals.

This online event has happened on Thursday, November 4, 2021.

Rewatch here.