KNIME Fall Summit 2020: Main Sessions

We’re posting questions and answers collected from the Q&As from the main sessions at this year’s Fall Summit here.

If you have more questions please add them :slight_smile:

The KNIME Team

Click on the question to unfold the answer.

KNIME Hub Questions

Can I upload things to the KNIME Hub on the KNIME website or is it a curated repository where only KNIME-approved content is available?

You can upload your workflows and components, either to your private space or to a public space. Uploading is easy and is done directly from your KNIME Analytics Platform. See for instructions.

Is there an advantage to KNIME Hub vs a static snapshot of KNIME Extensions deployed to repo manager (like an artifactory for example)?

While the Hub provides a list of KNIME extensions, it does not host them. If you install an extension listed on the KNIME Hub, it will be downloaded from our public update site. You can also use the File -> Install KNIME extensions menu in KNIME Analytics Platform to do the same.

Regarding workflows and components, the Hub provides out-of-the-box integration with your KNIME Analytics Platform. But most importantly, it allows to share your work with the community!

Can KNIME Hub replace/replicate GitHub functionality for KNIME code base?

Currently not. But we are currently working on really cool things regarding this, one of them is version control for your workflows and components on the KNIME Hub.

When you upload workflows to your KNIME Hub Profile are they private to the user or can they be accessed by anyone who views your profile?

Both options are possible! If you upload workflows or components to a public space, they will be publicly accessible. If you upload them to a private space, they are only accessible for you. By default, you have one private and one public space but you can create more and rename them.

Will the new KNIME Hub be included in the KNIME Server and replace the old there?

The KNIME Hub and KNIME Server will complement each other and evolve in parallel for the time being.

Is there a straightforward way to be logged in to your personal KNIME Hub account, but share the component through an organization's KNIME Hub profile?

Not yet, but stay tuned!

Columnar Backend Questions

Will the columnar table backend be the default in future versions? Seems unwieldy having to configure it in every workflow.

Yes, the plan is to have the columnar table backend become the new default eventually.

Is the "Columnar Table Backend" based on the Parquet format (Arrow is being mentioned)? KNIME was struggling with correctly implementing Parquet in the past (unfortunately)

No, it is a complete rewrite and shares no code with the Parquet implementation.

KNIME Server Questions

Are KNIME Executor Groups a way to split a KNIME server in dev, test, deploy?

While this would be possible in some scenarios, the more common use case is to use executor groups to split execution privileges among e.g. departments or business units. You can also use them for a dev/test/prod split, but in this case all environments will still use the same Tomcat instance. If this still fits your needs, then executor groups can be an appropriate solution.

It seems that dynamically scaling the executors helps to provide high availability, but the Server itself remains a single point of failure.

It is possible to run a backup instance of KNIME Server that is activated by a load balancer once the active server goes down, so there is something you can do for HA of the server itself

Component Questions

What happens is some of the nodes used inside a shared component are not installed in my local KNIME AP? will dragging the component automatically prompt for installing the dependency nodes?

Yes, dragging the component into your workbench will prompt a pop-up asking you if you want to search for and install the required extensions.


Hi @heather.fyson,

since I lost the connection, I do not know if my question was answered. So here again: Are the KNIME Executor Groups a way to split a server installation into a dev, test and deploy part that are independent of each other?


Hi Andrew, Thanks for posting the question. I’m tagging my colleagues @jfalgout and @RolandBurger to help answer that question!

Hi @Andrew_Steel,

Executor groups could be used to separate dev/test/prod as far as execution goes. The flexibility of assigning user groups exclusively to Executor Groups will prevent dev users from running jobs on the test Executor Group for example. How useful that is really depends on how strictly you want to separate dev/test/prod. Some customers that have implemented multi-stage deployment environments use separate KNIME Servers for each stage. This provides much more control over
each environment.

Hope that helps. Thanks for joining KNIME Summit!
