KNIME freezes when setting CSV Reader Encoding

Hello, KNIME Support!

We have a question about KNIME freezing when setting up a node.

On the Encoding Setting screen of the CSV Reader node, if you press the 3 red squares in the picture below, KNIME stutters and freezes and you have to force close it.

I haven’t timed it, but I can’t leave it on forever, as I’m training users on KNIME and introducing them to its features, so I need an immediate response. Unfortunately, not only my PC, but most of my trainees’ PCs (OS: Window & Mac) are experiencing this error.

Both the latest versions 5.4.0 and 5.3.3 have the same bug, is this just a bug in KNIME? Or is it an error caused by poor PC specs?

Any answers would be greatly appreciated.

Hey @JaeHwanChoi,

Unfortunately I can’t replicate your problem on my computer. Can you maybe share your dataset + workflow ?
My response to your problem comes probably too late, but maybe we can fix this problem for your future projects.

All the best