hello @tobias.koetter , would like to ask with this dataset, how do i use KNIME to perform association of keywords starting with the word “Concept” where Reviews with the word “bath room” will be indicated with 1. Reviews without the word “bath room” will be indicated with 0. ? Image attached below …


Hi Poppy,

Welcome to the KNIME Forum. I think Tobias is on Vacation. It would be helpful to know what you mean by association, or an example of the end result you’re looking for.

KNIME has a free self-paced course for Text Processing if you’re just getting started.

I think very simply you could sum the columns with a Math Forumla and you could quickly see which words (columns) associated with ‘bath room’ as they would have larger sums.

You could also start to do things like create n-grams of the words and TF analysis to see if multiple words combined associate with what you are trying to predict on.

Converting to the actual text and visualizing a word cloud would also help you quickly see if any of the column phrases/concepts stand out


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Maybe you could try something like this:

words.knwf (91.6 KB)