Knime not saving data in all nodes within a metanode

Hi All,

I experience a peculiar problem when I save a Knime workflow. The Knime flow only retains data up to a specific point when i save and re-open it. In my case the flow retains all data up to a specific metanode , but stops retaining data from the last two nodes within this metanode (in my case column appender and domain calculator).

I have tried replacing these 2 nodes with other nodes, but the problem remains. The only solution I found was moving the last 2 nodes from the metanode to the main workflow. In that case, the worklflow does retain data for all nodes.

I have tested this with a number of colleagues and they experience the same thing. Does anyone know what my cause this issue (perhaps a metanode can only retain information for a fixed number of nodes)?

Kind regards,


Hi there!

Seems like it is.

No. Metanode should retain all information if I’m not mistaken.

I couldn’t reproduce this behavior. Is there possibility for you to share a workflow with this error?


Thanks for your reply!

Unfortunately, I’m working at a client so i cannot share the workflow here. I hope the snippet below clarifies what i described above:


When i include the column appender and the domain calculator in the data preparation metanode the workflow stops retaining information right before the column appender. Running the workflow the way it is in the snippet retains all data after saving.

Hi there!

I see. I will give it another go in reproducing but perhaps there is something specific prior to these nodes what is the reason for not saving them. Maybe you can isolate only this Metanode from workflow. Add some dummy data before and couple of nodes after to reproduce behavior. This way all sensitive data/info will not be visible. What do you think?


Hi there!

I have searched the forum a bit and think I got it. Check this topic:

You have flow variable input on Data preparation Metanode which is causing this I think. I was partially able to reproduce it. Opening such a workflow you get a pop up window saying Warning during load, right?

I will check this a bit more. You can still share a workflow for us to check if this is intended behavior or bug.



Thanks! I will try whether it works when i remove unused workflow variable connections / connect those to dummy nodes.



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After trying a lot of different options (removing unused data/variable port, removing dead-end nodes) I found a solution:

In the initial flow there was low variance filter -> column appender -> domain calculator. If I change the order around to the image below all data is retained when saving the workflow.

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Hi there!

Glad you found a solution.

Anyways I will report this and hopefully we will come to the root cause of this behavior in order to fix it. In the meantime if you experience something similar just get back to us. The more information the better :slight_smile:


Hi @MaartenMajoor,

this is fixed with KNIME 4.2.0.
Closing topic.
