Knime Offline Update Site Issue (Update file Cache Issue Only)

The offline update is not 100% funtional when it has a internet connection is ongoing, So I go through these following steps, to utilise the “offline update site” file

  1. At first after linking the offline update site, and unclicking all the online update link (or better to delete) selecting thorugh shift button, it is advisable to install only one tiny extension as offline warmup.

  2. After restarting from one extension installation it may found left with clicked with all the online update link, but if the online update link was deleted then it may be found only left with local file link.So then it should be cross checked for that issue.

  3. But if it found clicked again by any means , then again it is needed to unclick again and continue with all other necessary extensaion to be installed.

Solution Proposed : Knime offline is handy, where internet connection is very slow, and also wehre I need to share the custom knime installation for collaboration purpose to other new desktop user. So if I found an xlm with a bat file configured in the same folder that automatically install my prefered packages directly without any click or unclick , that would be very nice of you. Also I can edit the xml file with a notepad to customise the packages to be installed.

N.B. Without restarting even after deleting the update link there is a high chance that it pull the online link, (Even after deleting the links, becase previous links are saved into knime cache). This behaviour happen with the version 5.3.2 as on sep 2024, new version may act different behaviour.

Welcome back :). Moved this to Feedback & Ideas category as it seems most fitting :slight_smile:

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