KNIME Server Crash/Hangs at random

Hey everyone,

I’m using the KNIME Server Medium and so far we’re using it for production and everythings going great with one caveat. About a month into prod, the web server would stop responding. We’d get timeouts and workflows would stop processing. To counter this, I set up a cronjob to reset the server. every night at midnight.

sh /opt/knime_server/apache-tomee-plus-7.0.5/bin/
sleep 10
sh /opt/knime_server/apache-tomee-plus-7.0.5/bin/

This worked for about two months and now the server is hanging up mid day on occasion. Is there a configuration file that I should look at or some setting I should enable to alleviate these issues?

Hi @cmarble,

We would like to understand better what is going wrong here, there should be no need for regular server restarts. To help us troubleshoot, could you please share the log files once your KNIME Server is again in a broken state?

You can also reach out to us directly at instead of sharing the logs here.
